
The battle between Cassette Hubs and Freecoaster Hubs continues!

Dan Foley has released a new video and he has decided to sit down and talk about the Cassette VS Freecoaster battle. Dan has ran both styles of hubs, but recently made the switch back to cassettes. In this video, Dan talks about the pros and cons of both hubs, along with some reasoning behind why he has chosen to ride a cassette hub again. There’s also some riding footage Dan included from both types of hubs that he has ran, which is a bonus since they’re real solid clips. Take a peek!

What’s your thoughts on the subject? Let us know in the comments below!

With the rising popularity of freecoaster hubs, it’s become harder than ever to decide what kind of hub setup to ride. After dabbling with a coaster for 6 months and switching back to a cassette, I figured it would be a good time to put my 2 cents in and hopefully shed some light on each hub type.

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