
It’s crazy how many places on this planet that you might not think of as a great place to ride. Daniel Wedemeijer was recently invited over to the island of Bali to ride a few amazing spots from skateparks to private bowls. Going into it, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but it turns out the place has a lot to offer if you know where you’re looking. This video gives us a look at what went down on and off the bikes during his stay! It’s safe to say that Bali might just be worth looking into for your next trip!

At first I never thought I would ride my bmx bike on Bali. But luckily a fellow bmx rider tagged me on Instagram. This got me so hyped I decided to jump on a plane to Bali. It’s been an amazing trip with a good group of people. Enjoy the video and let me know what you think of it in the comments!

Director of photography and editor: Roderik Patijn
Aerial cinematography and camera assistent: Maarten Slooves
Produced by: Roderik Patijn (www.rodivision.com) and Maarten Slooves (www.maartenslooves.com)
Grading: Wouter Suyderhoud
Sound design by: Sharkee

Thanks to:
Red Bull Netherlands
Martha Psyched
Yoshimi Miyashita (Yopy)
Roderik Patijn
Maarten Slooves
Solid Surf House”

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