
We’re always stoked on checking out a new Danny MacAskill video. Despite it not being BMX, there’s a lot of BMX influence in the riding. Red Bull dropped this new video featuring Danny absolutely crushing it in a gymnasium. The tricks he’s doing on the setups are absolutely amazing. There’s also a lot of laughs and easter egg type things in this as well. Check this one out! Although this is awesome, the Going Crazy In A Gymnasium series that Brian Gregor and Rusty Prady did a few years back is still our favorite videos from a gymnasium, haha. Watch Danny MacAskill’s Gymnasium!

New Year, New Tricks. Scottish Trials Bike legend Danny MacAskill shows us in his new film ‘Gymnasium’ that there are other ways to make your mark in the gym. Not a regular gym-goer by his own admission, YouTube sensation Danny stars in his new film and attempts to show the world that staying in shape doesn’t have to be daunting.

In his latest return to our screens, Danny seeks refuge from the ‘New Year, New Me’ craze by creating his personalised fitness playground in a long forgotten hall at his local sports complex. Even though performing a perfect bar routine while still on two wheels isn’t for everyone, Danny has found that it’s a case of no chain, no gain as he’s able to do what he loves and stay in shape at the same time.” – Red Bull

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