Categories: Interview

Dave Jacobs Interview

Dave Jacobs is a man you should respect. He is the man behind Micreation and has a very clear minded sense of things that a lot of people are not capable of pulling together. With that being said here is his interview, I hope you enjoy it.

Dave Jacobs

Photo: Tommy Blanco

Long Beach, CA

Micreation, ODI, and hookups from Sputnic, Primo, and Etnies.

Years riding?

So Micreation has had some big changes lately, new site, new video formats and everything, how long has this been in the works?
The new site and new HD video player were both in the works for about 4 months, then Brad’s video spot was filmed over about a year.

What else can we expect from the changes? New clothing lines? Full length DVD? anything in particular?
Well, I just finished setting it up so that people can own both Brad and Eli’s video spots. You’ll be able to download a high resolution version, and also one sized for an I-Pod. Currently we are working on doing a video spot with Barney, and also Aaron Bostrom. Joe Cox said he wants to do one sometime soon also. There are some more big changes to the site coming, and the new line is currently in development. We’re also going to be releasing the “Synopsis” video in the near future. I think that will be some kind of DVD/web release. We will see what happens with that.

So this new web video idea going around is pretty interesting. Do you expect web videos like this to catch on with other companies?
Well, I think the internet is definitely becoming more and more where people are going for the latest in BMX. So that combined with the dwindling DVD market is pushing companies in that direction I think. As far as other companies doing it like we are, possibly.

Is there any team changes or other team news you can tell us about?
Yeah, Eric Lichtenberger is the newest member of the Micreation family. I’ve known him for a while now and he’s a down to earth genuine person. He’s also very talented at riding. He is a perfect fit.

What do you think the biggest difference between when Micreation had started to what it has become today?
Its just become more focused and refined. I’d like to think that we’ve grown as a whole, and become better at everything we do.

Your on the road, or was just on the road for a trip, what was that for? How did it go? Or how is it going?
I went on The Local Exposure tour to film and hang out. It was great fun. I met a lot of people that I’ve never met before and got to witness Quinn Sembling blowing up a ralley car. haha

A piece of Dave’s art called “Flobot”

What are your plans for 08′? Is there many road trips planned or anything?
No full team road trips as of yet. We’ll just be focused on new designs, and smaller road trips to film for these video spots.

When will you have a HD video of you for the site?
Actually I thought about that. I’m going to be working on an interview for a bmx magazine this summer, and I’d like to film some stuff while I’m at it. We’ll see what happens.

Where would you like to take your riding and company in general over the course of the next few years?
As far as riding goes, I’d like to get back into dirt jumping and riding ramps. I’d also like to get more dialed on street and just keep progressing. As far as Micreation goes, I’d like to do a full length team video and grow as a whole. I’m going to expand the line and work on getting into more boutiques.

What are some of your favorite spots to ride?
Right now I’ve been having alot of fun riding the Z spot in Long Beach. Its real simple, not a lot to it other then a manual pad and a couple bump jumps but its super fun.

Do you have a trick that you could never get sick of no matter how many times you do it?

What is that one trick you cannot get on the list no matter how many times you try?
I’ve been working on hop whips for a while now, but haven’t nailed it yet. Maybe tomorrow?

Being the owner of a business you tend to be very busy, do you find a lot of time to ride?
Well, the last month I didn’t ride much at all because I was rushing to get the new site done, and also Brad’s video spot before the local exposure trip. Now that I’m back I’ve been going out and its been alot of fun.

What are some of the highlights for you since BMX became apart of your life?
The friends that I’ve made and getting the opportunity to travel. Its made a huge impact on me. To me I see bmx as a tool to learn how to live. I put myself in these situations where I have to be focused or I’m going to work myself. I learned how to stay calm under pressure. When I did get hurt, I learned from that too. It taught me how to keep pushing and not give up.

How do you feel about the current industry as a whole? If you could change anything would you?
Its changing so rapidly now. It seems to be growing in popularity in the main stream I think. I see in on TV all the time now. Not too long ago it was rare to catch it on TV, but not anymore. I think its awsome. More people are getting exposed to BMX, and thats only going to help BMX grow. There is some wild shit going down too. I can’t imagine what people will be doing 5 years from now. The sky is the limit. As far as the core industry goes, I think that esthetics are becoming more important and more emphasis is being put into making things look good. If I could change anything, I would like to see more emphasis on making changes instead of bitching about how things are.

Where do you see things going with BMX being in the olympics and everything?
Honestly I don’t know too much about it other then its going to be there. From what I know, its only racing. If that is the case, I think that sucks. If BMX is going to be in the olympics then vert, street, dirt, and flat should all be included.

Who are some of the people you ride with on a more daily basis?
Jeff Z and Aaron Bostrom both live in riding distance from me, so I ride with them mainly.

Is there any riders out there that you really see coming up and could do some big things?
Garrett Reynolds is already doing big things and he’s 17. I just watched his shook part and I can’t believe the shit he’s doing. Its nuts.

Did you ever go to college for art or anything of that nature?
I went to college and got an associates degree in industrial technology. Its basically a minor in engineering with an emphasis on C.A.D.(Computer Aided Design). I’ve always loved making things, drawing, poetry etc. C.A.D. wasn’t for me because there was minimal creative freedom. So I started delving into photoshop, final cut, and after effects. I think I’ve found my nitch, I love it.

Outside of riding and work, what are some things you are into?
When I’m not so busy, I like to read and watch documentaries. I also enjoy writing poetry and doing spoken word but its been a while since I’ve done it. Most of my interests are focused around science, spirituality, philosophy things like that.

What are some things that you think everyone should experience at some point in their life?
A realization that there is no separation between you and everything else, I would say that is the biggest one.

What are some movies you are really into?
Lately the biggest one is Zeitgeist. Its a free documentary that you can see at You’ll just have to see it to understand why. Its revolutionary.

Any good music you would recommend to people?
I’ve been listening to instrumental stuff like Explosions in the Sky, Omid, Alias, Yppah, Sound in Color. Classics for me are Eyedea, old Aesop Rock, and of course Wu-Tang.

Being a business owner, do you feel the economy has effected you at all?
I would say the biggest effect so far is the price of gas. Riding in California can get expensive because you have to drive to just about every spot. Unless you live in Long Beach, so thats why I tend to stick in my own neighborhood.

How do you feel about the elections, Hillary? Obama? Other? who has your vote?
I dont subscribe to any particular party line or candidate. The democratic party seems to be becoming more conservative and complacent. The people that really pull the strings are the ones that you don’t see. Not to be a pessimist, but I don’t think it matters at this point who gets elected. There are so many vested interests in the changes that need to be made like pulling out of the war in Iraq. I think its going to require massive protests and disobedience to end it. I think that the biggest changes we can make will come when each individual takes responsibility for themselves and their own community. We need to wake up soon.

Who or what are some of the biggest influences on your life?
I would say first and foremost is my Mom. She had always supported me in whatever I wanted to do and always had high expectations for me. The next big ones would be reading books and music.

What are some of your favorite websites?
Sites that I visit frequently would be,, and a lot of random design, science, and political websites. I also frequent youtube for random documentaries and funny videos.

If you happened to win the lottery, what would the cash go towards?
First I would buy my Mom a nice house, then a house for myself. The rest of it would go into Micreation and the Micreation family.

What are some things you personally would like to accomplish in the next few years?
To make Micreation everything it can be and get everyone on the team paid good. Also to do a good full length video part because I haven’t had an official video part since DK Intuition. I’m also planning on doing a documentary sometime in the future.

If you could have any super power, what would you chose and why?
Invisibility. So I can creep around and make weird noises and freak people out. That would be sweet.

What is one of your favorite quotes?
I don’t have a favorite, but here is a good one from Albert Einstein – “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us – “universe”, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

What kind of advice do you have for people when it comes to BMX?
Have fun. Its not about getting sponsored.

What advice do you have for people who want to start a business?
Start working on it now. If you keep putting it off it might not happen. Get a business plan together, start networking, make it happen! Learn as much as you can about the particular business and become an expert. Keep pushing and don’t give up no matter what. Don’t focus on reasons why it couldn’t work, think of ways it can happen. I guess thats it.

What is BMX to you?
To me, BMX is and evolutionary tool. I see it as an instrument for self expression that helps me learn about myself and life in general, and its a load of fun. Its definitely the best thing thats ever happened to me.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Yeah, thanks to my Mom for being awsome. Also the Micreation family, and everyone who has supported and helped me out in one way or another. You know who you are. Finally, thanks to Kurt Hohberger for the interview.

Anything else you would like to add I may have forgot?
I think thats it. Thanks for reading. Peace.

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