Deluxe X Crucial BMX – Alex Boyd: Remembering Vinewood

Here’s a rad BMX video we spotted over on Can You Dig It for you to check out! Alex Boyd put together this video giving you a look at some of the good times that have gone down at the Vinewood Trails over the past 5 years. You can see this place kind of grow throughout the video which is cool to see. Take a look.

5 years old this year, vinewood started when two groups of friends from different neighbouring towns came across a spot, on private land, and were given permission and full support by the land owners. ive been away for 2 years and the trails dont see as much love as they used to, but still stand today as an amazing reminder of our few years of dedication and nothing but great memories.
BIG THANKS TO: ben panting, ben rose, nick sponge, leon maddison, will wiggins, ben baker, tom higgins, all the pumpy guys, all the pencils/bitch guys, george king, adi gilbert, kung, homer, rich auden, paul turner, josh williamson, mike calvey, tom free, paul turner, pom pom and so many more! you all helped keep the dream alive. thankyou so much!
filming: josh williamson, will wiggins, ben panting, mike calvey. and probs more but i really cant remember! thanks guys

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