
Check out the full “Dig 25” BMX video!

This is so rad… Check out riding from Fuzzy Hall, TJ Lavin, Bruce Crisman, Jamie Bestwick and more in the full “Dig 25” video that Snakebite BMX uploaded in its entirety for your viewing pleasure! Obviously with a line up of legends like that, you can expect a ton of great riding. Not only does this have sections from each of the guys, but there’s a few sections from contests, jams and more as well. Hit play and take all of this goodness in!

Dig 25 was one of those completely random midschool video’s that came out in the early 2000’s. Featuring a who’s who of X-games riders from that time so the riding is good and unlike most videos that were pushed through by non riders at this time this really isn’t cheesy at all.” – Snakebite BMX

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