DIG Goes Back to Its Independent Roots



Their had been some rumors floating around of the future for DIG BMX Magazine lately, but it looks like they’ve finally announced their plan. It looks like founder and editor, Will Smyth, has taken back full-control of the magazine and handling publishing and distribution on his own once again. This is definitely good news for this magazine that’s about to release its 100th issue! Check out a few words below!

Factory Media have today finalised an agreement to sell DigBMX to brand founder, editor and designer Will Smyth. The deal hands back the brand to the former owner, and includes both the magazine and the website digbmx.com.

Darryl Newton, Managing Director: ‘We’re pleased to able to pass DigBMX back to Will where it will flourish under his control. Factory has enjoyed association with such an iconic BMX media brand and the calibre of its team, and will continue to support it albeit as a passionate observer of its future plans. Will’s been a great member of our Company, and one of the nicest guys I’ve had the pleasure to work with – we all wish him success and prosperity’.

Will Smyth: ‘I want to extend my thanks to Factory for supporting DIGBMX for so long and for always letting us make the magazine that we wanted to make. I couldn’t be happier about regaining 100% ownership of the title. Thanks for the opportunity.“

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