Categories: BMX Videos

Dirt Ron Welcome To Bone Deth / Anthem II Declassified Video



Today is a real good day! The Union is stoked to announce that Dirt Ron is now riding for Bone Deth! What makes this news even sweeter? Stew Johnson compiled a bunch of unseen footage of Dirt Ron from the Anthem II video to go with this as his official welcome edit!

Here’s a few words about the news from Sean Burns!

Bone Deth welcomes freestyle weirdo extraordinaire “Dirt Ron” to the bone deth DeadMan team. Celebrated by an Anthem II “Declassified” put together by Stew Johnson with all footage shot from Anthem II that has yet to be seen until now.
Thanks Stew… and welcome aboard Dirt Ron… Bone Zone in San Diego.

For more about Bone Deth, hit their website at

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