Eclat – Free & Sleezy Tour: Part II


About time Eclat dropped this! So damn good! You need to see this! Nathan Williams, Sean Burns, Darryl Tocco, Chester Blacksmith and Iz Pulido in Shanghai!

At the start of this year we chose three diverse destinations around the world to go visit and for no other purpose than riding our bikes, hanging out and seeing the world in all its weird and wonderful glory. In April of this year we hit up our second destination.

Shanghai was ours for 12 days and 11 nights and we had over 2,448 square miles to cover, 16 districts, 210 towns and sub districts to explore and ride.

12 days really wasn’t quite enough, but we battled the smog, heat waves and traffic and came away with a positive feeling about China and its riding community.

The following video explores our time spent in China, our first and last impressions. Filmed and edited by Will Evans.

Special thanks to Kane, Kenji (iBMX) George Jackson and the CNBMX collective. Without them we would have been lost in the depths of China forever.
Full feature out in DIG Issue 89.
In celebration of our time in China we updated our microsite featuring the photography of Andrew White. Check it out at