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Eduards Zunda Checks In

Eduards Zunda hit me up this morning telling me about a contest he just got back. He had a real good edit along with some words and photos to check out. Check out the video below, then make the jump to check out a few photos and words from Eduards.

Hey Everyone!

Sooo I was in Czech Republik for the BIKEHALL CONTEST (REDBULL) in Trutnov from the 7th to the 10th of may! The trip to Czech Republik was well, because I didn’t sleep the whole night and when I got into my flight, and I passed out haha… I woke up when I was already in Prague. The Redbull guys picked me up and we went to Trutnov… It was fast and nice, because the speed limit is 130km/h there , not like in LV where it is 90km/h. I was happy that we could go faster than usual!

When we got to Trutnov, they showed me the skatepark, I was amazed by the park, it was so good. The tranys were perfect and there were lots of really good riders! After I fixed my bike and put all my clothes in the room I went to the park! I was so glad to see some friends there – Berry (cz), Daviideeek (cz), Vasja (ukraine), etc… The first night and the all next nights were party nights, haha! The partys were cool, there were some concerts next to the skatepark… The people in Czech Republik are really nice, and polite. It was so good to spend some time with them!

I guess in the first day ? or maybe second, I tried to flatspin on a quater that had a steep trany, I went to flat with my front wheel and hurt my finger, so I couldnt ride for two days! I was kinda sad that I went there and I might not be able to ride with the guys… However, after two days of putting ice and gel on it, it started to feel better…. Yuri (Ukrainian athlete program REDBULL manager) sticked my finger with plaster – tight, tight , and yeah! It worked… I rode the qualifications ended up 9th from 78? And the next day I rode the finals – first run, second run –I tried to 180 over a box. Landed flat as shit and bent my pedal, so I couldnt ride and the time ran out. I ended up on the 6th place. You should have been there and see the local dudes shredding the course Whuuuu!

Im so happy that I could be there! It was a good time for sure! I’m glad that I was able to see some friends again. I would like to repeat it once, twice, and thrice.. It’s always good to travel and meet people from all over!

I wouldnt be able to go there without support Thanks a lot to REDBULL, Kristaps Pagrabs and the organizers of Bikehallcontest!!!

There are also some pictures and a EDIT from BIKEHALLCONTEST! Thanks to RYYS (

Cheeeeeeeeers buddyyyys!

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