This new video Empire dropped from the session that went down at Hoss’ house one night is the definition of a good time. This place looks like such a fun spot to ride. Check it!

the age-old question which has vexed philosopher kings since the dawn of man: what really is best in life?
is it to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women?
or is it, as I believe, best to shred the gnar on a backyard ramp with your bros? you already know!
starring: Nathan Ho$tick, Dylan Smith, Tom Smith, Chase Hawk, Ryan Smith, Justin Kee, Joseph Frans, Tom Dugan, Hanson Little, Aaron Ross, Mat Houck, Josh Dissinger, Devin Fredlund
titles: Brock Caron
filmed and edited: Devon Hutchins
music: Elton John- Bennie and the Jets | Spark Master Tape- Hanson Brothers

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