Categories: Interview

Eric Trepanier Interview

Eric is a rider I have had my eye on for quite a while now. He has been killing it on a bike, and has a pretty interesting life outside of riding also. I shot Eric a few questions to get to know a little bit more about him. He also put together and all new BMXunion EXCLUSIVE edit! I’m stoked about that. So, go check out his interview, the new edit, and then leave him some love in the comments!

Eric Trepanier

UAB Bike Park

Years riding:
More years than not

What was it that first got you into BMX? Any early memories come to mind?
When I was like 7 I saw some guy riding a 3 foot tall 1/4 doing lip tricks on it, I was so amazed yet confused. I remember being stoked on the BMX chase scene in E.T and a few years later watched the movie RAD, some friends and I got bikes and we raced like 3 times. We soon discovered we were doing it wrong and took it to the streets. For the longest time we only had magazines so it took us a while to figure out how to do any tricks lol.

You are a fairly well known rider around the Canadian scene. What’s the scene like in Montreal? Any up and comers you can tell us about?
The scene in Montreal is pretty good right now, we’ve got lots of good street spots, 3 indoor parks including the new zillion dollar Taz, there’s even a secret set of trails. In the summer I guess the scene is a little more broken up because everyone is out riding street at different times and places. It doesn’t help that the spots are pretty spread out but everyone seems to get together and shred at some point.There a lot of out of towners that come to ride and that’s always fun, also the Presence Street Jams throughout the summer. As for up and comers… Dillon fucken’ Lloyd!

I was pretty stoked on your clips in the Presence video, do you have any plans for another video part or web video in the works? If not, why the hell not?
Thanks, yeah aside from this random edit (seen below) I have plans for at least 2 video parts this summer. I recently got a small camera to film stuff whenever I feel like it; so I’ll be collecting footage with that for a decent web edit. Then of course I’ll be filming with Jeremy for a video part in the next Presence video and I’m sure he’s going to put out a few web edits with the whole crew.

Now that the weather has been getting real nice, have you been riding more street lately? Do you have any road trips planned for the summer that you know of?
Yeah I had a setback with an injury right when the snow had melted but now that I’m healthy again and its nice out I find myself just grabbing my bike and going to ride solo for hours at a time. I know Jeremy has some road trips planned for this summer, I just need to get some cash going so I can come!

Where can you usually be found riding anyways?
In the winter you’ll find me at UAB, I practically lived there for a few years. In the summer I’m pretty unpredictable. I usually just take off in no predetermined direction and see where I end up unless I’m riding with someone who has a spot in mind. I also ride this prefab park that’s 5 minutes from my apartment. I’m really bored of it though and usually just go and see if anyone’s there riding. The downtown area has lots of good stuff so I’m there pretty often as well. I’m really not picky about spots or what I’m riding; ramps, dirt, street.. If I’m on my bike I’m happy.

Who is one person you wish you could ride with more, who is one person you have never had the chance to ride with, but always wanted to?
I’m pretty happy with who I ride with and how often, no complaints, although I do wish I could ride with the Ottawa and Quebec crew more often. I’d really like to ride with Stephen Hamilton, just go through the streets dodging cars, hoping and wall riding stuff. He seems to have a good time. I’m down to ride with anyone really.

If you could go on a trip anywhere in the world with 5 people. Who would you bring, where would you go, and why?
I’d bring Greg Flag and the first 4 people we meet. Then we’d take a trip to imagination land, why? Because I watch too much South Park.

Who or what is it that influences your riding? If you could ride like anyone, who would you pick and why?
At this point I’m not so easily influenced, of course I had influences along the way, Mike Aitken, Garret Byrnes, Ruben and Van Homan all come to mind but I never really found myself wishing I could ride exactly like another person. I do however find myself wishing I was capable of doing some stuff that others can, like having the balls to try stuff that Brian Kachinsky would do or being able to do any trick you want like Garret Reynolds.. I just ride the way it feels good to me and I set my bike up with that mindset as well. I’d have to say the people I ride with influence me the most. Lately the stuff I’m stoked on seeing online motivates/inspires me to go out and do my own thing the best I can.

Do you ever find yourself getting burned out on riding at all? What do you do to keep things fresh?
It happens from time to time but it’s usually after riding for a week or 2 straight and being really sore. I think the secret is to not let BMX become 100% of your life, if you have enough outside interests and you’re not literally living on your bike then its always fresh. It’s all about balance. Not to mention BMX has limitless possibility and so many different aspects of riding to figure out. whenever I’ve found myself burning out I just change it up; try to learn or work on a different aspect of riding or try some tricks I’ve been wanting to do but haven’t gotten the balls to try yet.

Do you guys get hassled much up in Montreal for riding bikes? Any good stories involving cops or security?
Its not so bad, from my experience lately security downtown kind of “gets it” there’s been a lot of times where a security guard will give us a few extra tries, or says he’s just doing his job. I guess it’s all circumstantial though, I just haven’t had any bad experiences recently.

What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
I think I’d most likely be snowboarding if not then maybe music? I played guitar for 7 years so maybe I would have kept that up and I snowboarded for years up until I had an indoor park to ride. Who knows really, BMX is too deep rooted for me to be able to tell for sure what I would have done without it, I can’t picture it any other way.

You are going to school for 3D Animation for video games and stuff right? How did you get into that?
I’m actually graduated now but yeah, I was tired of working a physically straining job and figured if I had a desk job then I’d be “healing” during the day so I could ride with energy at night lol. I’ve also always been a closet nerd, I got my first computer when I was like 9 and I’ve been obsessed ever since. I have no issues with staring at a screen all day as long as I’m getting paid and know I can go ride when the day is over. I guess this is my way of being a socially acceptable nerd all while paying the bills and having enough time/energy to ride. The gaming industry being pretty big in Montreal also influenced my decision, there are lots of job opportunities here.

Ideally, what would you want to be doing for a job mow that you are done with school?
Well I just sent in my new Demo Reel to a friend at Ubisoft, I’m hoping to get a job as a 3d Modeler. If that doesn’t work out I’m going to try to get a job teaching people how to ride at the new Taz skatepark for the summer. I also did some game testing after I graduated so I always have that job to fall back on.

What are your top 5 favorite video games anyways?
To be honest I don’t play games a lot anymore, but the ones I do like are games that involve playing online. I can’t seem to play a single player game more than 15 minutes without getting bored, there are only a few exceptions.. But when I’m playing something with friends its good times. To answer your question in no particular order, World of Warcraft, Counter-strike, Call of Duty 4, Skate 1&2, and Tetris never gets old. Dave Mirra 2 goes without saying.

Are you much of a partier? What makes for a wild night for you?
I’m more of a chiller than a partier but I def like to get loose. The parties at UAB are always insane, I shouldn’t go into detail. I always like going downtown to drink as long as I’m with the right crew and there’s enough cash in my pocket, but house parties are where it’s at.

Do you have any crazy stories involving hookers, strippers, midgets, or drunk people?
This midget who used to live in my hometown “Pierro” who was coincidentally a drunk midget, he used to dance and pretend to shit his pants if you gave him a dollar; he must have made like 50$ that summer. He also used to walk 7km from town to go visit my grandparents and have lunch annually. If he was still around I’d pay him to let me bunnyhop him, R.I.P Pierro.

What would it take to get you to go a round with a UFC fighter? Is there anybody you really wish you could hit? Would you beat up a midget if they started it?
I don’t think I’d do it, a coma doesn’t sound too appealing. There’s not 1 person I can think of who I’d want to literally hit, and I definitely wouldn’t beat up a midget unless he punched me in the nuts.

What kind of music is a guy like you into?
I’m into a lot of different stuff, I have a pretty odd/acquired taste in music. I mostly listen to death metal but I listen to alot of hip-hop, mashups, reggae too, anything really. I go through phases but the death metal is always there.

If you could no longer live in Canada, where would you go and why?
I’d have to say anywhere where winter doesn’t mean snow..

What is something you aren’t very good at, but wish you were better at?
Barspins! That or drawing, I’m not bad but I’m not good either, its quite frustrating when you have an idea in your head but can’t seem to get it to on to paper.

Do you have any favorite websites?, I check The Come Up pretty often too.

If you could go on a criminal spree for 24 hours with no consequences, you could do anything and not get in trouble for it, what would you do?
RIDE EVERYTHING, the underground city, businesses inside and out, cars, metro stations. Film it all and make a crazy edit where each spot will never be ridden again.

If you could go back in time and relive any day of your life, when would you goo back to and would you change anything?
I’d go back to the day I smashed my teeth and make sure the ramp is solid enough to land on.

What is the best advice you have ever been given or able to give?
Just delete her

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to Liam at UAB for letting me ride for free, and giving us all a place to ride in the winter, thanks to Jeremy at Presence for everything. Trep for helping me with my bike, my parents, you for this interview and anyone who’s been a friend, given me a ride, passed the spliff, or shared a laugh.

Anything else you want to say?

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