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First Practice at Red Bull Uncontained With Drew Bezanson & Daniel Wedemeijer


Remember Drew Bezanson‘s insane Uncontainable video from a few years back? Well, Red Bull decided to do a contest based around the concept with some insanely large ramps and inviting 14 riders to join Drew and Daniel Wedemeijer to ride the ramps! Here’s a loo at the first few days of practice that gives you a look at the insane ramps and some of the riding and fun these guys are getting into! We’re not exactly sure on the format, but it appears to be a head to head bracket style contest. Either way, with ramps this crazy, we’re sure we’ll see some damn amazing riding. Hit play and check this out, then stay tuned for more.

The world’s best BMX Park riders take on the most challenging custom park ever built. Descending on Nijmegen, Nederlands this weekend is a selection of 16 world class riders, chosen by team captains Drew Bezanson and Daniel Wedemeijer. They have invited 7 riders to be part of their team to battle against each other based on best BMX tricks, flair/style, energy level, technique & execution.” – Red Bull

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