
Just in time for Interbike! Fit Bike Co. just dropped this new promo for their 2017 range of complete bikes that will be hitting BMX shops and mail-orders worldwide starting now. Hit play to let the team give you the run through of their signature bikes, along with a look at some of their entry level bikes. Fit did a great job with the bikes this year (as expected), and this promo is definitely unique compared to any other promo we have seen for complete bikes. We will make sure we give you a good look during our Interbike coverage this week!

They’re herrrrreeeee! So sit back and let the boys break ’em down for you. Disclaimer: our 2017 completes are too dialed to fit all the details in a one-and-half-minute promo, so make sure to dig into the specs of the ones you’re sweating! With five different geometries, LHD and RHD options, removable breaks from Level 1 up and more freecoasters, pegs and hubguards than a security guard can shake a stick at, the 2017s are more than just a pretty line… they’ve got substance.

Check them out at FitBikeCo.com

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