Focalpoint just dropped their latest edition of The Package. If you haven’t realized it yet, these videos are always pure gold. I highly advise you hit that play button because this one is a definite must see! Hell yeah!

Riders: Sam Illman, Daniel Johnson, Luke Vandenberg, Marnold, Cooper Brownlee, Lachy Swanton, Mick Bayzand, Alex Bolton, Phil Del Tito, Troy Charlesworth, Kym Grosser, Barney, Chirs Finnigan, Kevin kiraly and Jack Kelly.
Edited by Cooper Brownlee.
Filmed by Cooper Brownlee, Rhys Yeomans, Jack Kelly, Daniel Johnson, Sam Illman and Justin burns.
We made a DVD with all 8 web video’s along with 25 minutes of bonus crashes/b-roll footage, you can check it here…
Instagram: @focalpointbmx

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