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Freecoaster VS Cassette – Which Should I Choose?


Not sure what the difference between a Freecoaster or a Cassette is? Here is a video to explain…

With the explosion of popularity of the freecoaster hub over the past 5ish years, we’ve seen a lot of riders make the switch from cassette to the stealthy freecoaster. Some riders, it’s a practical decision that fits with their riding style, others do it because their favorite pro riders run one and some dabble with it and realize it isn’t for them. The guys at Lux BMX put together this short but sweet video explaining the differences between a Freecoaster and a Cassette hub, hopefully helping you to make a decision for what works best for your riding style.

Confused about the different hub options for BMX? Evan talks us through the main differences between freecoaster and cassette BMX hubs and which one is best for your needs.

Got a question about anything BMX related? Let us know in the comments and we’ll answer it for you.” – Lux BMX

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Tags: Lux BMX