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Freed Bikes in Barcelona



Where would you go if you could take a trip anywhere in the world for a week of riding? There are a lot of places to go that would make for an amazing riding trip, that’s for sure. However, there is one place that I’m sure crosses everybody’s mind at one point or another and that’s Barcelona. The Freed Bikes team decided it was time to give their passports some love and make a trip outside of the U.S for their first big team trip with this newly formed brand. Andy Smith, River Waldren, Chris Chamberlain and Corey Foster along with filmer Bobby Kanode packed their bags and made the the flight from Arizona over to this BMX hot spot the other week where they found good spots, new friends and plenty of fun. Below we’ve got a bunch of photos they snapped during the trip to give you a look at just what they got into. Take a peek and expect a full edit to drop from the trip soon!


The Metro turned into our best friend early on in the trip. Pumped BMX turned into a routine while everyone waited to get off at the stop, everyone’s eyes were glued to their phones.

We found this spot in an alley next to a restaurant we went to for dinner, and couldn’t leave it untouched. River had one last shot to pull his clip before an old lady 3 stories up was going to throw bottles down at us. Luckily he pulled it under pressure.

Andy tried getting a clip on this ledge the night before until security came to kick us out, since Andy’s birthday was the next day he let him take a ride in the Security car. We came back the next day and he got to get that clip.

We didn’t have any bike locks when we went to get tattoos and this was definitely not a place to leave your bikes so we made our own bike lock. Eventually the dude was cool enough to let us bring in all of our bikes.

Bobby and River decided to get tattoos in probably one of the sketchiest places to get a tattoo in the city, but that didn’t stop them. Thanks to Julien for getting us into this place, and thanks to Tom Edgington for the picture.

On the last day, Chris decided to give it everything he got, resulting in unique clips in unique spots. Watching this was probably one of the most nerve-racking parts of the trip.

Chris got to put some of his park style to use on this natural quarter pipe found outside of the zoo. Right after this picture he went for a look back and couldn’t pull it back quick enough and got dirt in his bars, thankfully they have beer for a euro on every corner so he quickly refreshed himself and was ready to go again.

Corey’s bike didn’t show up until the second night, so when he finally got to build that thing up he was eager to film. We eyed this spot while waiting to meet up with a local and decided to get a few clips while waiting.

We got to spend a few days pedalling around with the locals. We had an ongoing battle with who had to carry the other backpack and skateboard when we went from spot to spot.

We met a ton of locals on this trip, and hanging with these dudes was absolutely crazy and it was awesome having them show us around.

It was a hot afternoon on the coast, so River decided to strip down to his boxers and take adip into the Mediterranean. Thanks to Tom Edgington for this picture.

The second day, we met BSD flow rider Julien Inorreta and he showed us around the city, the next day we ran into him while he was working. He even left River take a spin in his cargo bike.

Although River took a dip in the water, it didn’t stop him from doing trucks in his soaking underwear. Thanks to Tom Edgington for this picture.

We met a crew of English dudes at the Sea Wall, and ended up hanging with them for the last half of the trip. Everyone threw down some clips at this place. We even got yelled at for having a tripod and no permit to film there. Thanks to Tom Edgington for the Picture.

No trip to Europe is complete without watching 8 year old soccer studs play in thestreet. Of course they took a break to watch River throw down on a stair set after their game.

We spent literally all day and part of the night at this spot. Although this is the place our camera was taken, it was still a favorite spot full of line possibilities. Everyone had a good time here and we even met a drunk old lady who sat on a bench and watched us film for 4 hours.

River going over clips with Bobby Kanode, trying to make sure it was the perfect angle. In and out of this spot with a banger in 15 minutes.

That wraps up the photos from the trip. Keep your eyes out for the video that will be dropping from the trip soon! Until then, head over to the Freed Bikes website at to find out more about the brand, their products and team!