Categories: Interview

Garrett Nilsson Coalition Bio

Garrett is next up to bat for the Coalition bio’s we worked on together. Check out what Garrett has to say, some photos, his part from the Smoke and Mirror’s trip and then leave him some love in the comments!

Name: Garrett Nilsson

Nicknames: Tech G

Age: 23

Location: Temecula, CA

Sponsors: Coalition, Simple Bike Co.

Years riding: 15

Favorite Coalition product? Joe bars

Favorite Coalition team member? Everyone is chill

What’s the best part about living in Temecula? There’s a bunch of shit to ride.

Have you had the chance to travel much? Where are some of your favorite places you have been?
No, not really. But, Austin TX, Las Vegas.

What’s one thing you can’t ride without besides motivation?
Mid-top somewhat sturdy shoes!!

How would you describe your riding style?

If you could load a van with 5 people and a big budget. Who would you bring and where would you go?
Matt Colisch, Joe Riley, Eric Babbel, Darren Guttierez, Shawn Lee, Aaron Schultz, I know thats 6 people. It’s too hard to narrow it down. We’d have to explore the great northwest all the way to Vancouver BC.

Some of your favorite riders you look to for inspiration?
Van homan, and Brian Foster.

What was the scariest moment in BMX for you?
Looking into the mirror and seeing a hole in my face.

Looking back over the years, what would you say BMX has made you?
An adventurous oppurtunist.

Do you work at all?
Sure do! I work with my dad.

Have you been filming much lately? When can we expect to see some footage from you?
Yes, I have been recently. New edit soon!

What makes for a good night out for you?
Good spots.

Last movie you watched, song you heard, and website you visited?
The Hangover, Mysterium Coniunctionis (Hermanubis)- Behemoth, The Come Up

List a day in the life of Garrett:
Wake up, go to work if I have to, then go ride when I get done. If I don’t have to work then I start early.

Where do you see yourself in a few years? What about later tonight?
Not sure, just out there doing my thing on my own somewhere. Hopefully still ridin every day. Later tonight I have plans to sleep

Anything else you want to say?
Thanks for this opportunity. Thanks to the people that have helped me out along the way. You know who you are.

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