So this is the third V-Club interview I have done this month, and to be honest I didn’t plan that. Apparently, all these dudes are super cool and put together good interviews so maybe I will have to get the rest of their crew. This one is with Garrett Reeves who recently had that super good video up on Vital BMX. I caught up with him and asked him some questions and he’s a legit dude who can ride. Enjoy.
Garrett Reeves

Baltimore, Md
V-Club Clothing, Avalon Cycles
Years Riding:
What was it that originally got you into BMX and what keeps you doing it today?
A couple of my buddy’s in like 8th grade would take their bikes into the woods and build little ghetto dirt jumps, I didn’t have a bike but I would always borrow my friend Cody’s. Eventually I realized I needed my own and the rest is history.
It seems like your just starting to get noticed and you have been killing it for a while now. How do you feel about that or am I just blind?
I don’t know what qualifies as killing it but I,ve definetly been killing my self on my bike for awhile. As far as getting noticed i think getting to ride for V-Club as helped with that a great bit and thats been really cool so far. Anything that gives me the chance to ride my bike more is good.
You recently had that video on Vital BMX of you that was pretty crazy. When can we expect to see some more videos of you?
Well I,m sure ill make another web edit sometime soon. But I’m mainly filming for a new V-Club Video. I should have a full part and I’m really excited for that because i really enjoy filming. I think the video is gonna be really good so i’m pumped to be apart of it.
It seems like your an all around rider, what is your favorite stuff to ride?
Thanks. I’ve always rode just about everything and never limited myself to one type of riding but lately I have really been having the most fun riding street. I love riding street because every spot you go to is different in some way it just keeps things fresh and fun.

What is the scene like where your from?
Its super relaxed and fun. Basically everyone just meets up and rides and has fun its always a good time. I have some pretty amazing riders that i ride with on a daily basis so i never have trouble getting motivated to learn new things.
You are a pretty dialed rider, what are some tricks you could never get sick of?
Thanks Haha maybe on a good day. I love going fast and doing rail hops and wall rides. Finding a unique street spot is the best.
What are some new things you have been working on?
I have a couple things I want to try to film for the new V-Club video but I try not too worry about specific tricks I just go to a spot and figure out what I want to do there and go for it. I hate sitting at a park and just trying to learn one trick I would rather be out exploring trying to to find a good unique street spot.
What is your injury list looking like? Are you pretty lucky when it comes to that stuff?
Well i broke my left leg twice, my right foot once, and my hand. So I don’t think I have been very lucky.
If I remember right you did pretty well at the Metro Jam this year. How do you feel about contests? Do you have any plans to ride anymore anytime soon?
Yea I had a lot of fun at the toronto jam this year. I think they can be a lot of fun but not because of the riding sometimes. Just seeing friends and partying with people you never see is so much fun. I dont have too many plans for contest other then hopefully BACO and maybe toronto again.

Where are some of your favorite places you have had the chance to ride so far?
I would say my top three in no order are Austin, Baltimore street and I don’t know I guess I haven’t been too many places for riding.
Where are some places you would like to go to someday?
Its weird i live so close to New york city but i have never gone there to ride. I would love to ride vancover that place always looks so amazing. But really i’ll ride anything sometimes the best spots are in the weirdest places.
Who is the typical crew you can be seen riding with and what are some usual spots you like to hit up?
I ride with tons of people around me but the most usual are probably Andy Dubicki,Jeremy Hrabal, Alex Topper, Dan foley, Ben Hittle, and Derek Bristow.
Who are some riders you have looked up to over the years?
I always looked up to a wide variety of riders. I get stoked to watch anyone that goes fast like stricker, hamilton, and ruben definitely come to my mind first. Oh and Doyle is a favorite for sure.
What is the craziest or scariest thing you have experienced because of BMX?
Probably my recent trip to Austin. Meeting so many people i have seen in magazines and videos was pretty crazy even if that sounds lame its true. As far as scary goes i dunno i mean watching people try things that they could hurt themselves doing is always scary for me i hate watching people get hurt.

How do you feel about BMX right now, would you change anything if you could?
Bmx is wild these days so many people are so good. I love getting online and being instantly given a update on everything that happened recently in bmx. I wouldn’t change a thing i like bmx for what it is.
If you could go on a road trip with 5 people, who would you bring, where would you go, and why?
I dunno its hard to narrow it down to five people i would just say all my close friends and we would go everywhere and would have unlimited money so we could eat pizza every meal.
If you could relive any day you had on your bike, when would that be and why?
I wish i could ride with all my friends that i learned to ride from that soon quit. It sucks when people you ride with all the time just stop riding.
Where do you think you would be if you never got into BMX?
Honestly I have no clue. I think i would probably be taking school more seriously and my life would be nothing like it is now.
Outside of riding what are you up to?
I go to a community college. I work shitty jobs off and on. I hang out with my girlfriend pretty much everyday. I have been just trying to stay happy.
If I stalked your Myspace right you got a girlfriend, what is the key to success with the ladies?
haha i dunno i got lucky with my girlfriend. I would like to say being a nice guy helps but I’m not really sure if it does.
What kinds of music are you into? Anything you suggest people to check out?
Lately i have been listening to classic rock a lot. Check out the The yard birds and The Kooks are good as well.
Seen any good movies lately?
Wall-E was amazing!
Who or what are some of the biggest influences in your life?
I think my biggest influence in my life is my parents. They have always supported me and it really motivates me to do my best in what i like to do.
If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do and why?
I would rob a bank. It always looked fun in the movies and I’m running a bit low on cash.

If you could be sponsored by any company, BMX or non-BMX related. Who would you pick and why?
Well the first company is a gas company because that shit is expensive. Then probably a shoe company because I wear through shoes once every few weeks.
Do you spend much time on the computer? Any favorite websites?
I spend a lot of time on the computer. I usually check, and Myspace the most though.
If you could have any super power, what would you pick and why?
I dunno maybe x ray vision for obvious reasons.
What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
I would really like to just keep riding my bike as much as possible. Maybe get some sort of degree. But mainly just ride my bike as much as possible and stay happy.
What is some of the best advice you could give a person?
Just Huck it.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to my parents Jeremy at V-Club, Donald at Avalon bike shop and all my friends.
Anything else you would like to say?
Thanks for the interview Kurt!