Getting Awesome: One Handed X-Ups with Ronnie Napolitan and Ryan Nyquist

Looking to get a classic under your belt? Check out this how to on one handed x-ups from Ronnie Napolitan and Ryan Nyquist! Both of these guys show you how to get it done right, but I think we can all agree Ryan has the win with all the years of experience. Check it out then go get it done!

Ryan Nyquist and Ronnie Napoliton one handed x-up trick tip! Ronnie kicks things off explaining it’s smart to work from the ground up. Start with mellow dirt jumps and small boxes until you feel comfortable turning the bars and hanging on with one hand. From there you can take this trick to just about any feature or transition you can find. Don’t miss Ryan closing things out with a few one handed x-up variations of his own!” – Network A

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