
We’re not too familiar with Marley Donnelly, but the title doesn’t lie! This guy isn’t scared to send it and do some gnarly things on his bike! Hit play to watch him throw down on street spots, skateparks and a DIY spot over in the U.K! Definitely some heavy moves in this worth checking out!

Marley donnelly a.k.a gnarly marley from colchester essex..
filmed at the end of summer into autumn around colchester,ipswich and bury ..Marley is an upcoming uk shredder and can ride anything you put in-front of him ..You’ll expect more of this dude in the future ..all this was filmed a few months before he turned 18 ..Enjoy this edit Marley is crazy ..

filmed by Richard Coe with additional angles from Finn Edwards..” – Gremlin Coe

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