
Not one, but two videos we spotted over on Can You Dig It from the Green Acres Trails Jam that went down at Kye Forte‘s new trails over in Devon, U.K! Check out highlights from guys like Mike “Hucker” Clark, Anthony Napolitan, Chris Doyle, Corey Bohan, Jay Cowley, Lima Eltham and many more who turned out to throw down. Looks like the trails were running solid and everyone was having a hell of a good time! Get on those play buttons and take in all the good times.

Some big names such as Mike “Hucker” Clark, Anthony Napolitan, Chris Doyle, Corey Bohan, Jay Cowley, Lima and more throw down some big tricks at Kye Forte’s trails.

Song: Speeding Bullets by Soul Khan” – Max Newberry

The full video of Kye Forte’s Greenacres Trails Jam that went down in the UK and brought riders from across the globe to session the newly built trails in Devon. A friendly weekend ride full of big tricks, music and beer…” – David Guest

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