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GT – Dan Conway: Motivational Driveway Shredding

The quarantine sessions have been going hard lately, an it’s been rad seeing so many ramps popping up! GT Bicycles checked in with Dan Conway to see how his sessions have been going down! Check it out as he throws down on his driveway setup that has a spine, quarterpipe, a rail, a ledge and more. Hit play to watch an lay down plenty of heat! Definitely stoked to see the brakes getting a lot of love!

While laying low at home watching videos to pass the quarantine time, Dan Conway has been getting inspired to try some tech combos on his new driveway spine ramp. Despite Dan’s reputation as a gnarly rail boss, the dude can and will ride anything you put in front of him and it’s been awesome to see him hone in his transition skills over the last few years.

Filmed and scored by Dan Conway
Edit: Jeff Zielinski” – GT Bicycles

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