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Happy Halloween from Give D!

Happy Halloween to all of our fellow shredders and friends everywhere!

I remember when Halloween used to kick lots of ass, now its just kind of a forgotten holiday… Its a definite bummer because my favorite holiday growing up was Halloween, not Christmas, Thanksgiving or anything else. I took a drive around my local area just a little while ago, I don’t know why I’m surprised about there being little to no kids out. There’s no sound of pitter-patter or laughter over on the sidewalks, no sounds of trick or treating, there’s minimal Halloween spirit out on in the neighborhoods and there definitely isn’t any carved pumpkins out to welcome kids, no lights on in any of the porches for that matter… Am I the only person noticing this? Halloween seems to get betrayed worse and worse every damn year… Is it just the area I live in?

I don’t mean to rant on about the decrease in the celebration of Halloween, I’m clearly a little too old to partake in trick or treating, vandalism and mischievous acts… I grew out of all that myself, but it’s just lame to see kids not partaking in anything of that stuff that used to bring me so much joy. Not that I condone vandalism or any of that shit, but toilet papering and egging houses used to be pretty damn fun when I was a youngin’, probably still would be too…

Well, its been dark for over 2 hours so far, my streets are silent and my mom hasn’t had the opportunity to open the door to any costumed kidsies wanting delicious treatsies yet. I’ve got a slight feeling that the provided candy will just go into my belly as the first week of November progresses… Even if I do live in a small town, Halloween used to pop off around here when I was young. At least I got brought up properly with the awesomeness that is Halloween or that was anyways, it was rad while it lasted. I hope everyones out partying, gettin rad and having some Halloween fun tonight, even though we may be too old for the kiddie shit now, we can always party for what’s still good.

I was stoked on this fireball pumpkin photo… I carved this pumpkin last minute and it shows, janky and sloppy as fuck, but I still love her. I plan on smashing it later tonight or tomorrow… That D! pumpkin is definitely perched up in my bike and thats definitely a Vermont sprocket silhouette below it… If you read this, thanks for listening to me bitch and complain.

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