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Hash BMX – Etnies “Chapters” Premiere & Jam Highlights


Hash BMX sent over this video from the Etnies “Chapters” Premiere and jam over in Poland a few months back!

We’re not quite sure what took so long to get this video put together, but better late than never, right? The crew at Hash BMX sent over this video they put together from the Etnies “Chapters” DVD premiere and jam they threw over in Poland. This video gives you a look at what went down on the flat rail and box the guys threw down on, the giveaways they did and more. Looks like it was a good time to us, despite a little rain.

If you haven’t picked up a copy yet, you can do it over on the Etnies Website. you will be glad you did it.

Check out what happened during etnies “Chapters” Polish premiere which we hosted in Warsaw!

Shout out to all the homies for showing up at very DIY street jam which wouldn’t be possible without help from FLED CREW! Even rain didn’t stop us!” – Hash BMX

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