Here’s a rad new mixtape from Poland featuring about 18 minutes of footage that the Palnik crew have collected over the course of the year. This BMX video is mostly street, with park and some trails mixed in for good measure. Solid riding and film work throughout. Well worth checking out. After you watch the video, hit up the Hash BMX website to check out a few photos like the one below!
“After a year of search-spots, riding and shooting we wanted to show you what for us is a BMX. As a coherent team coming from Szczecin practically every day we collected the materials for this movie – and this is the end result. They traveled:
Wojtek Kurka
Arthur Wawruszczak
Marcin Juszkiewicz
Bartek Burda
Kamil Halik
Edit: Bartek Burda
Bartek Burda
Kamila Halik”
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