
Oh man… We are so stoked to hear that the “Have Fun, Die Trying” video that James Fox has been working on will be dropping really soon! This video looks so damn rowdy and it’s bound to be amazing. Based on the line up of riders, you know that’s going to be wild, and we can only imagine what kind of party antics will go with this. We will let you know as soon as the video is available. Until then, watch this trailer and get stoked!

Well it’s almost a year on from when the I first premiered HAVE FUN, DIE TRYING DVD after the VANS competition in Sydney last year. I’ve finally got it all sorted on a DVD! Want to say a massive to everyone for still keeping the stoke up and to all my mates I had a bucket load of fun filming this with!

DVD’s will be out very soon!!

Full Sections From: Jonny Mackellar, Benn Pigot, Trent Rowsell and Jason Watts.

And a bunch of other legends such as the likes of Chris Harti, Chris Kerr, Will Kerr, Will Gunn, Kai Moody, Weaponhead, Cody Pollard, Kris Fox, Tyson Jones-Peni, Blake Ind, Rahdi Francess-Cater, Hunter, Josh Tasker, Ryan Hurst, Chris Goldring, Beechy, Tom Boorman, Riley Taylor, Hayden Thomas, Eze Helmreich, Dave Cragg, Alex Hiam, Hucker, Weexy, Red Belge, Kris McCreath, Louis Smith”

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Tags: James Fox