How To Build A Vert Wall Out Of Garbage


Trey Jones is back with the latest from the FloriDeah channel. This time around, Trey gives you a How To video on building a vert wall made out of pallets, scrap wood and more. Although this is a pretty sketchy way of building a ramp, but Trey actually has some great advice on how to make do with what you have. Hit play and check out how it’s done, along with some footage from the test session. The Banned in the Backyard jam is going to be nuts.

Between the Floating Mini Ramp and this, it’s safe to say Trey is like the Macguyver of carpentry.

This is how to build a vert wall out of random scrap wood and other random junk. Make sure to come out for the BANNED IN THE BACKYARD on MARCH 25 to ride all these ramps and much more!! @treyjonesucks @jabejones

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