Although brakes aren’t as common as they used to be on BMX bikes, one of the biggest reasons riders ditch them is because they don’t know how to install or maintain them properly. If you have ever had the chance to ride with Jake Whitney, you would know the kid knows how to dial in a set of brakes. After having a bunch of people ask him how he gets his brakes so dialed, he decided to film a How To video explaining how to get those brakes dialed in so they actually work and work super well. The video itself is a little rough around the edges with the filming, but the advice is real solid. Jake talks about adjusting the tension on the arms and the barrel adjusters, properly lubing up the cables and cleaning your rims. It takes a bit of time and effort, but once you have the system dialed in, you will be way more stoked on running brakes. Hit play and take it all in.

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