How To: Peg Ching with Jay Dalton


Jay Dalton is back with a new video after a little hiatus and he’s making up for it with a how-to video for you guys! If you have ever wanted to learn how to do a peg ching, or chink or chinger — whatever you want to call it, here is your chance as Jay teaches you some tips to take it to curbs, quarters and spines! This is a pretty easy trick that’s more about just getting the right lean versus it being more technical like people think. Hit play on the BMX video, get the tips, see A LOT of examples and then go send a few on your bike!

Hey there! Long time no see. While I was still healing up and not quite ready to start sending st00f in the parkskates I put this fancy little How-to together for all of youz. Quite a few of you asked me how to do chingers whether it be in the comments of my last few videos or on Instagram, so I figured I’d give it a go. This is my first attempt at a how-to, so I’m sure there’s a few kinks to be worked out. Let me know if my advice was understandable and whether or not it helped you out. With your feedback and a little fine-tuning on my end, the future how-to’s will only keep getting better

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