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How To Travel The World On A $10 A Day Budget – Robert Barranco

It turns out traveling around the world isn’t quite as expensive as it might seem… Here’s how Robert Barranco travels the world on a $10 a day budget!

BMX is pretty awesome… Not only is it a lot of fun, but it also presents a A LOT of opportunity that you might not see. Riding BMX is a great time and it’s great exercise, but it also gives you the perfect excuse to travel, meet new people and experience new things. If you follow Robert Barranco on Instagram, there’s a good chance you have looked at his posts and thought “man, I wish I could afford to do that”! Well, it turns out it’s not as expensive as it might seem, that is if you’re willing to make a few sacrifices and get out of your comfort zone. Above is a video Whistle Sports put together getting some insight from Robert about how he manages to travel all over the world while working with a $10 a day budget. Cheap flights, sleeping in a tent or a car, one meal a day and a whole lot of experiences and good times along the way. Obviously that $10 a day budget doesn’t account for plane tickets, trains, gas for the car and repairs needed, but those larger expenses can be limited a lot when it comes to traveling. If you can cut out the “extras” like a hotel room or extra food, you can easily extend your budget anywhere you go.

Obviously any trip requires some money, so Robert also talks about how he works at Adam LZ‘s warehouse for periods of time to save up money between trips and how he started a clothing brand that was spurred from these trips called FTE Collective that also helps him afford to travel like he does. Overall, this has some great insight into how to make traveling on a tight budget work, and he doesn’t sugar coat it to make it seem like it’s all sunshine and luxury… He shows you the downside of living on a budget like this in the video as well. That’s always cool to see what it took to get that photo or video.

So, if you are looking for the “right time” to go on a road trip or travel to a new country, this might just inspire you. Hit play and take this all in and maybe you can learn how to travel the world on a $10 a day budget!

“Do whatever you want, because one day, that’s all that’s going to matter.”

Robert Barranco is a diehard BMX enthusiast that travels the world and bikes at every park he comes across. Robert sleeps in a tent and lives off of one meal a day… but he takes nothing for granted.” – Whistle Sports

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