Need to fly with your BMX bike? Here’s some advice on how to travel with your bike and save you some money in the long run!

If you have ever flown with your BMX bike, you know unless you do a little bit of work to disguise the bike, you’re likely going to end up with an extra fee that’s $100+ more. Here’s a video where Big Boy and Matty Cranmer give you some advice on how to travel with a BMX bike, and how to properly pack your bike in a travel bag. Hit the video above. If you want to buy one of the bike bags Matty uses, you can pick one up right here — DK Golf Bag or a similar one, the Odyssey Nest Bag.

People always think it really hard and super expensive to travel with your bmx bike. Matty and Big Boy show you how we travel all the time everywhere with our bikes! Just a quick video to show you guys how its done there will still be a video up at 4pm est today!” – Scotty Cranmer

Want some more advice? Brad Simms has some advice: BMX Life Hacks: How To Pack A Bike Bag For Cheap

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