Categories: Reviews

Insight: Division Brand – Bars, Stem and Sprocket + Giveaway



A little while back, I received a care package with Division Brand‘s C-Bahs bars, Talladega sprocket and Monument stem from Sidewall. I figured this would give me the perfect opportunity to give you a closer look at this new brand that made its premiere back in July… That and hook up two people with some fresh parts. Let’s take a closer look at the bars, stem and sprocket and then find out how to win it!

BMX BarsBMX Bars

All right, so lets start out with the C-Bahs bars. These bars are Mitchell McDonald’s signature bars that are made from multi-butted, fully heat-treated chromoly. They have a rise of 9″, width of 29.5″, 12-degrees of back sweep and 1-degree of upsweep. As you can see, they feature some clean welds and a brazed on Division logo plate. These bars weigh in at 1.88 lbs. (855 grams) and come in black ED, clear raw and chrome.
Now, I’m a fan of how clean the bars look and the brazed on logo were also a real good touch. However, these are more ideal for a taller rider. I personally run about 8.5″ bars as a max just due to me being 5′- 10″ and where I feel comfortable.
Division Brand also have two other bars with the same geometry as the C-Bahs but a little smaller to offer, the Aesthetic Bars have a 8.50″ rise and 28.5″ width while the Motion Bars come with a rise of 8″ and 28″ width. I’m real psyched they covered all the bases since this 9″ rise phenomenon going on lately isn’t for everyone. I would be dialed with a set of Aesthetics.

Next up, we have the Talladega Sprocket. This fully CNC machined 7075-T6 alloy sprocket is 6mm thick, features extensive 3D machining detail with 25 (2.18 oz / 62 grams) and 28 (2.64 oz. / 75 grams) tooth options to go with the black, grey and Polished color options. Taking a closer look, you can really see how that 3D machining makes the sprocket pop just looking at it. You can also find a small Division Brand logo along the outer ring and one crank arm mount hole. I’m definitely a fan of the look of the sprocket. I’m really hoping Division Brand starts offering a spline drive version of this sprocket in the near future.

Finally, we have the Monument Stem. This was one thing I couldn’t resist putting on my bike right off the bat. I really love that chrome look and the dimensions and specs are just right too. This fully CNC machined 6066-T6 alloy front load stem has a 50mm reach, 6 solid bolts, a weight of 9.06 oz. (257 grams) and color options of black, grey and Polished.
Obviously, the classic front load design does not leave a ton of options to be original, but I think Division Brand pulled it off. They gave is some smooth machining on the top and sides with a simple Division Brand logo machined into the side. The thing I see is that they machined out two holes to help shave some extra ounces on the bottom…

Now, don’t get me wrong. These machined out holes definitely left me questioning if the stem would flex at all when I was first putting it on. After a few sessions, I can honestly say I haven’t felt any flex and it has yet to slip or even make any popping noise. I think they did a good job of eliminating some of the unnecessary material while still leaving it strong.

This clean, simple and lightweight stem feels and looks great on the bike. I’m actually glad they decided to go with regular bolts and not go with the hollow bolts as well. I’ve never thought a stem was a good place to go with hollow bolts, especially when they are in charge of holding the bars and fork in place.

Overall, I’m real impressed with the clean and simple designs that Division Brand went with for their first line of products. I’m definitely excited to see where the brand takes things in the future.

Now, HOW TO WIN. Since I decided not to run the bars since they are a little bit too big for my taste and can’t run the sprocket since my crank arms don’t have a sprocket boss on them. I better give them away to you guys, right? So like usual, I want you guys to head over to The Union’s FACEBOOK PAGE and “Like” us if you haven’t already. Then comment on the photo of the BARS on the wall saying “Hook me up with Division Brand!”
If you don’t have Facebook or want to get entered TWICE, leave your name (with a valid email address) and a comment saying “Hook me up with Division Brand!”. I’ll pick TWO (one for the bars, one for the sprocket) winners on Friday, December 2nd. GOT IT!?

You can find out more about Division Brand by checking out their website at WWW.DIVISIONBRAND.COM
Shops in the U.S looking to carry their products, get ahold of Sidewall Distribution.
Don’t want to wait to see if you won or have your shop order you up something? Hit Sidewall Action Sports to order online!

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