Categories: events

Interbike 2009: The Shadow Conspiracy


Last year, I some how missed Ronnie Bonner. If you don’t know who that is, he is the driving force behind Sparky’s Distribution. I finally had the chance to meet with him after almost emailing back and forth about stuff weekly, so that was rad. Ronnie gave me the fly through on the The Shadow Conspiracy. Here are a few pictures and words…
Oh, and before I forget. I’ve noticed a lot of people are asking questions about specifics on products and previous posts. I wish I could get all the details down for you guys, but it’s a one man show on here and I’m running around like crazy trying to get everything together and up just for you guys to get a taste. Expect all the details from the companies in the coming days and weeks. Thanks for being understanding… if not, well, high five.

Like I’ve said time and time again, it’s the year of colors. Every company has a ton of new colors (or in Subrosa’s case – color) which isn’t a bad thing. I think it’s good to get bikes looking fresh and standing out. Along with the colors were a few new bits and pieces. I gotta run back through there today to remember all the new stuff.

Shadow has a ton of new seats, the plastic pivotal seats are looking fresh. I don’t think my ass could handle those seats, but obviously some of you dudes can. You can also get spokes to match all of your parts too.

Some of the Shadow and Subrosa hats.

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