Alright, time to pound out the last few booths I stopped through at Interbike! Sorry for the delay, just a million things to catch on after a few days away. Next up, I swung through the DK Bicycles booth to take a look at what they have cooking. Let’s get into it!
They had a few of their complete bikes for 2014 on display. Everything from the higher end bikes with full sealed everything (towards the top) down through the mid and entry level bikes and a 24″ cruiser. All of these bikes are looking pretty rad. I know there’s been a little bit of a change in view point since DK got a deal with Wal-Mart going, but I think if they can get better quality BMX bikes to kids and get them hooked on riding, I’m alright with it.
The Team frame looks to be pretty similar to the previous year, but I guess there’s no point in fixing what isn’t broken, right?
So that wraps things up. As expected, DK continues to produce to real dialed complete bikes and that works for me!
You can find out more about DK Bicycles and their products by visiting their website —
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