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Interbike 2014: Volume and Demolition


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Alright! Let’s keep this party moving on. Next stop was the Volume Bikes and Demolition booth to get some laughs from Brian Castillo and check out what’s new with both of the brands. They had a bunch of new items cooked up from tires, stems, bars, forks to colorways and more. Let’s get a closer look!

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That metallic blue color is so wild. Hatchet fork.

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Barista Bars

Here’s a sneak peek look at the new Vader tire that Volume is working on. This is a final sample, so expect it out in a few months. The tire is pretty beefy with some deep tread for plenty of traction on street and ramps and sizes of 2.25″ and 2.40″. Expect more details closer to its release.

The new color for the Bermuda V2 frame. Matte green.

Copper on the Bermuda V2 frame, Hatchet fork and Barista bars.

Broc Raiford’s new Volume Anchor fork!

Jason Enns’ signature Cerberus frame is looking good in green.

Broc Raiford’s signature Vessel frame and the new Captain bars that come in 9.25″. That black and white colorway looks so crazy, and so good.

Grip it and rip it.

The new VLM topload stem.

Volume doesn’t have a crazy line of complete bikes with a bunch of different models, but they do have a dialed line from 18″ through a 26″ cruiser that look real good.

A couple sample builds of Broc Raiford’s Vessel frames. That color looks so good.

Alright, let’s get into Demolition stuff now! The Rotator freecoaster has been out for a while now, but it’s still looking good.

Ghost and Rogue hubs.

Protect those hubs.

Vulcan brakes.

Stylus, Lodes and Brace stems. That new polished with black splatter looks real good. They have that color coming on a few things like that Merit sprocket in the back as well.

Throwback Demolition X Markit sprockets that are in the works.

Plastic pegs. Demolition will have two versions available; aluminum or steel core.

New plastic guards with steel inserts are coming.

Dennis Enarson’s signature Rig cranks are BEEFY.

Trooper pedals in metal and plastic.

Revolt cranks.

Demolition X Markit seats in Tripod and Pivotal versions, the Aaron Smith Live Free seat and the Axes seat.

Elite and Maiden forks.

Ronnie Napolitan’s Combat bars and Dennis Enarson’s new Rig bars.

Momentum tires.

Dennis Enarson’s new Rig tires.

Machete tires.

That wraps up the Volume and Demolition booth here at Interbike! You can find out more about Volume bikes and their products by visiting their website —