Photo: Jeremie Infelise
Jabari’s name has been popping up more and more lately, and there’s usually some really good riding behind the name when it pops up. I really didn’t know a lot about the guy, but I knew he was killing it on the bike and looked like he was having fun doing it. I figured it would be a good time to get to know Jabari a little better. Let’s take a look at what he had to say…
Name: Jabari Winters
Location: Austin, Texas booiiyyyy!
Sponsors: Hoffman bikes
Years riding: 5
What was it that first got you into BMX? Any memories just pop up?
I just have always been around bikes my whole life. I was really into motocross and raced for a while but it got tooooo expensive, so I just moved down to the next best thing.

How are things going with Hoffman these days? Do you have anything in the works as far as signature goods, trips, videos or anything like that in the works?
Everything is pretty dope. It’s such a good, laid back team. We all just kind of click and I’m lovin it. No signature things at the moment but we’ve been doing trips recently and getting pretty decent edits that we had a blast filming. The trips were good for us to get used to each other and how we flow.
Do you have any other sponsor news you can tell us about?
Bummmerr… Not at the moment. I feel like if I get another sponsor it’ll come on its own time. No rush.
You guys recently took a trip to Denver and New York City. How were those for you? What was the best part of those trips? If you had to pick, which trip was better?
Ahhhh, those trips were mad fun. I had the best time especially because they were like the 2nd and 3rd places Ive ever been. The best parts were just bieng somewhere different with different vibes and weather. It’s hard to say wich one was better. Colorado had craaazy good colleges, good temperature and some of the best herb. New York just blew my mind cause its just endless street which I love.
Can we expect to see a rematch game of B-I-K-E with you and Caleb any time soon?
Hellzz yeah. He’s got moves though. He got me, no excuses, haha.
What are your plans for the rest of the summer? Are you looking to get out of the heat in Texas? Anywhere in particular you want to be?
Ahh yes, with all my hair I need to beat the heat. I’m tryin to film for a Props Owned section so I really want to go back to California or Colorado.
Speaking of heat in Texas. I spotted you in the background of that new Mountain Dew commercial with Andy Martinez and Clint Reynolds. How did you get involved with that? What did you think of the production for that?
haha, oh god, that was something I’ll never forget. They randomly had tryouts at 9th Street and I heard about it, but didnt know where it was goin on. I showed up started riding with Andy and they asked us if we wanted to try out so of course we said heellll yea, Boii!! It was sooo rad. Everything paid for; we spent a few nights at a ranch in Blanco, Texas while we filmed and two days later we were back home. It was a lot of filming for a 30 second commercial but all good times.
Planning on doing any more acting in the future or was it a short-lived television career?
I’m not much into acting. I feel wierd in front of cameras but if an offer pops up I’ll definitely take it, haha.
Austin got what looks like a pretty wild new park. Have you had the chance to take much advantage of it since it opened?
Oooh yeaaah. I love that park when there arent skaters trying to take ur head off, haha. It’s been packed, but it’s a damn good park. I have no choice but to ride it when there are not as many people there.
You have been pretty consistent with filming edits and getting clips in edits the past year or so. Have you been filming for any new edits? How about video parts? When can we expect to see some new footage of you?
Oh, thanks man! I’m just tryin to do what I can do. Yeah, just been filming for that Props Owned section and I’m tryin to work on more edits. It’s just hard to find a homie thats not already busy on my days off to help film. It is what it is – no stress. One way or another im tryin to get more edits done.
Who are some of the biggest influences on your riding these days? Do you feel like having the opportunity to be surrounded by some of the best riders in the world all the time in Austin has helped you progress faster?
Oh, so many to name but generally my biggest influences are just seeing people do what they do and have fun with it. I can definitely say Corey Martinez, Dennis Enarson, Tom Dugan and Danny Hickerson are only few of my biggest influences at the moment. Living in Austin and riding with so many pros helps me progress because there are so many different styles coming through here and it makes me want to do different fun things when I ride. I love it.
If you could get one session anywhere in the world with 4 riders who would you pick to ride with and where?
Hmmm… Corey Martinez Danny Hickerson, Dennis Enarson, Edwin DeLarosa. It would be soo dope to ride with them and probably the college in Boulder, Colorado!
Do you know what you would be up to these days if you never got into BMX?
Oh, I’d probably be doing something that lets me use the creative part in me. I’m not to sure honestly. Either that or just tryin’ to stay live in this crazy world, haha.

What are you up to when you aren’t riding or on the road these days? Do you go to school or work at all?
When I’m not riding I’m either working or relaxin with the peeps, jammin’ Biggie or Marley. I pick up a book every once in a while, haha, not really.
What’s the shittiest job you have ever had in your life?
Welcome to Sonic would you like to try our cheddar peppers today!? haaaa!
What could you see yourself getting into after the Pro life?
Just hopefully living good in ATX. I’m pretty sure I’ll need a good job. I guess I’ll just have to wait to see what the future holds.
So let’s say you couldn’t stay in Texas and Oklahoma decided they didn’t want you anymore after all the years of shredding. Where could you see yourself spending some time?
If I couldn’t stay here or there, I think I would try California.
So I get that you can ride a bike, but what else are you good at? Any talents you think would surprise people?
I’m soo boring. I think the only thing I’m good at is spelling, riding motocross, or swimming. People always think I can’t swim but really I’m the one who found Nemo!
Let’s say somebody offers you money to shave your head. What’s it going to cost to take out those locks?
I’d never do it for money, my hair is my like my identity, ya dig? I think I’d only cut them when they get to long for me to comfortably ride with.
Actually, you find a big ass bag of cash. What’s the first thing you buy?
Probably pay some bills for the folks or buy some of gods greenest if I can keep it real with ya.
What’s one thing you could use more of in your life, and what’s something you really need less of in your life?
I could definitely use more good times with homies and definatly less red lights. I hateeeee red lights, haha. I don’t have much to complain about in life
What makes for a good night out in Austin for you? Any hot spots you can be found at?
Definitely going to get pizza at Home Slice. As boring as it sounds, I really dont go out that much. I’m getting old fast, haha!
What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched and website you visited?
Last song – Method Man and Bigge – The What.
Movie – All About the Benjamins
Website – Hightimes, haha, no joke! I’ve got my serious face on right now.
Best advice you have ever been given?
Be patient, keep it cool.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living in ATX still riding my bike. Hopefully I’m able to find another interest to take up my spare time.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to Kurt, everyone at Hoffman for pickin me up, homies in Houston keepin’ it real and positive, Angelo Rivera for giving me a cheap place to stay, friends in Austin and family for supporting anything and everything I did.
Anything else you want to say?
One love!