Over the course of the next few days there will be three parts posted for some interviews I did with the Madera team, and their chosen filmers for the new Madera video. Each rider on the team picked the filmer for their part and it went from there, and now the video is finishing up at the duplicators and it is time for the release.
This project has been going since the beginning of the winter, so some of the answers might sound a little funny when they refer to the weather just getting snowy, but yeah! Here is part one featuring Jeff Kocsis, Wade Young, Mike Hinkens, and Grant Castelluzzo.

Jeff Kocsis
Years Riding:
Animal, Dropout BMX, Skavenger, Madera
When your first got word about this new video project how did you feel? Did you know who you wanted to work with for filming?
Ya I grew up filming with my friend Wade. We always liked riding together and he happened to buy a camera and start filming and he just never stopped. It feels real good because we have a real close friendship.
Did you have an idea of where or what you were going to film or was it more of a “if it comes up, it comes up” situation?
I kind of always just keep a list of things I wanna do around town. Sometimes I like to just go out unplanned. It makes it easier and less stressful.
Have you done much traveling to get the filming done? Where all have you been? Any trips in the works?
No, I hold it down in Clifton and the surrounding towns. There’s enough shit around here to keep me busy. Always something new.
Have you had any complications come up like injuries, getting kicked out of spots, traveling to discover the spot had been destroyed?
No, it was mostly just the weather.
How much left do you have to film for your part?
The weather sucks so we haven’t really done much.
What’s the craziest, or coolest thing you have experienced while doing this project?
In Passaic we were trying to film when an elementary school let out and we got attacked by little kids.
How do you feel people will react to this when it’s all done? “good” or “fucking awesome”?
Whose part in the video are you anticipating most?
Dave McDermott’s
Have you been working on any other filming projects outside of this video?
Yeah the new Animal video.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Just Wade cause its only me and him when we go out.
Wade Young
Years filming/editing:
What kind of camera(s) and editing software are you using?
Panasonic DVX 100B
Final Cut Pro
When you first found out you were picked to help film the project, what were you thinking? Have you filmed much with the person you have been working with before?
When Jeff asked me to film his section I wasn’t too surprised, I figured he’d either pick me or bob. Jeff and I have been filming together for long time, we work very well together. I know everything he does and what’s he’s capable of so it’s easy for us to look at a setup and think of stuff to film. We always make it a good time
How do you go about filming? Do you have a thought process at all when it comes to setting up a shot?
I like using my skates a lot when filming so the first thing I do is check if the ground is smooth enough for them. Then it’s either follow with the lens or rolling long lens. With long lens shots i just like to make sure I get the whole setup in the shot for at least a few seconds, then its no holds bar with my zoom adjusting haha. Wide angle shots are more of a simple science. I just frame a little run-up time and the beginning of the setup, then the trick, and i make sure to finish up with the end of the setup and some ride away time making sure to keep a steady hand. Oh, and don’t get too close, that can be an expensive mistake.
Have you done much traveling to get the filming done? Where all have you been? Any trips in the works?
Jeff and I didn’t really go too far to film on this one. Jersey spots mostly. Farthest we went was Philly. Our schedules weren’t lining up for a while in the beginning of filming so we couldn’t plan many trips. Only lately with all this snow have we been able to find time to film which has been a challenge, but I’m wicked psyched with the fruits of our labor.
Have you had any complications? Camera failure/damage, lack of lighting, time, things not going as planned, etc?
We’ve had a few bumps along the filming process, but thankfully no serious bruises. Jeff and the dvx were both flawless. Now if only I could say the same for bike parts hahaha. The only real snags we hit were flat tires, dog bites, broken spokes, and like I mentioned before, unfortunate scheduling.
Have you had any of your work in other videos?
Yes, I have been involved in 8 of the past Shook videos and I am currently editing the next installment “Onomatopoeia.” it’s coming along great. The footage is awesome and editing is a blast. I’ve also contributed footage to a handful of other videos such as Odyssey, Animal, and the soon to be released Sunday video.
What’s the craziest, or coolest thing you have experienced while doing this project?
I think the coolest thing was probably when my friends and I were having no luck looking for a place to stay in Philly after riding. Sounds bad I know, but it gets better. I figured since it was the weekend if we went back north maybe Jeff would want to ride the next day. I called Jeff. Turned out he was in Philly at our buddy Jesse Dewlow’s house a few blocks away. So we all crashed there and ended up filming Jeff’s banger the next day. The craziest thing I witnessed during our filming was Jeff’s one-take banger.
How do you feel people will react to this when it’s all done? “good” or “fucking awesome”?
Well I know I’m psyched to see the finished product. Everything looks great so far so I’m sure people will be pleased. As for everyone else, haters are going to hate.
Whose part in the video are you anticipating most?
I’m excited to see what Bryce has come up with. Oddly enough I’ve chilled with him a bunch over the years going back to Woodward days as a young buck and I’m anxious to see what he’s been up to. Everyone on the team shreds so I’ll be psyched to finally see the finished product on a 47″.
Have you been working on any other filming projects outside of this video?
Yeah, as I mentioned before I’m currently in the editing process for the next Shook video. I’m just about done so hopefully not too much longer till it’s in wrapping. Some of the riders include Ian Mcomber (aka fakie), Matt Barchus, Jesse Susicke, Tony Cardona, Josh Betley, and yours truly. There’s also a trio part with Jeff Martin, Anthony Villani, and your very own Jeff Kocsis. I am also currently trying to branch out into other areas of videography besides BMX.

Mike Hinkens
Years Riding:
Madera, Sputnic, Sun Rims, LNKF
When your first got word about this new video project how did you feel? Did you know who you wanted to work with for filming?
Honestly, I was excited and a bit nervous. Its been a few years since I did a full video section as opposed to web stuff. My last real part was in Horizon… I really busted my ass for that one and felt like I was pushing myself and the things I was in to. I really welcomed this one as a time for me to focus more on quality over quantity…to break away from just taking clips in the interest of saving time and moving onto something else. I think my high expectations kind of screwed me though. I knew that Grant Castelluzzo would be my guy though since he is used to me getting stuck in a rut and trying shit forever!
Did you have an idea of where or what you were going to film or was it more of a “if it comes up, it comes up” situation?
I prefer to film as it comes up because for me, the session madates the tricks. I am not good at forcing stuff. I just like to go with the flow. Some days I’m chill, others, I wanna get wild. With this project however, I had a deadline and things in mind. I called up Grant and told him we had a few months to film a section and I only wanted to use my best stuff. He agreed and the filming was scheduled to happen. It seemed like everytime we went out though, I would do something and he would say, “hey, lets get that” but I would state that it was not as good as what I want…that it needed to be more bad ass or more complex…This went on for about a month and we didn’t get a single clip. I guess the joke was, “first one is the hardest!” Finally, I had a good day and got some stuff done that I thought was solid and decent. From their on out, I felt like I was clocking decent footage but I was never super stoked. I just felt like I was building up the basics but not the bangers or ground breakers I was hoping for. I guess that leads into the next question…
Have you done much traveling to get the filming done? Where all have you been? Any trips in the works?
I figured that we could get the spontaneity of “film as it goes” if we travelled. Casey Strong came with Grant and I and we headed to Michigan. Again, we found some awesome stuff thanks to our guy Jason Govan, yet nothing I was ecstatic about. We filmed a bunch, rode, and had a good time for sure. Ann Arbor and Detroit are interesting and fun cities and the street was good.
Have you had any complications come up like injuries, getting kicked out of spots, traveling to discover the spot had been destroyed?
Our complications have been mostly linked to my own issues. We did run out of time due to snow up here, but in reality, it just came down to me not doing what I felt capable of. My section is done and I do like it. I feel its solid and simple, yet its not what I wanted originally. On one hand, riding is purely for the sake of riding…to have fun and enjoy life, yet on the other, when you have expectations for yourself because you want to excel at what you do, it can become frustrating. While filming I became increasingly frustrated with my steady clips and lack of balls out stuff. I justified it to myself that I did not really ride like that anymore and that my tech stuff was more my focus now. Problem was, I was not fiding the tech stuff I was looking for. I was just not producing what I wanted. I guess I got really bummed on the whole thing after a while. ITs not that I dont like filming or riding, its just that I was not really motivated or stoked on stuff this fall. Add high expectations to that list and you have a recipe for frustration and disappointment. In conclusion, I learned, I am doing this for myself and sometimes this is as good as it gets. One day is good, one day is bad. Thats how it goes sometimes. I guess that may be a wierd attitude from someone with sponsors who are looking for results, but I think its more compex than that. Its great to ride for a company that realizes that I gave it my best this time and did what I could. They know that I am in it for the long haul and that next month I’ll be up again and heading in a new direction. They realize, as I do too now, that my section is a reflection of the type of riding I am doing at this point. We all have style changes and directional differences. And as I look back at the finished product, I know that when I pulled those things and did them, I was happy with them and having a good time. (except for those damn truckdrivers!). I realize that its something that I am proud of as one stage in my multifaceted bike riding experience.
How do you feel people will react to this when it’s all done? “good” or “fucking awesome”?
This I guess was my original goal… I wanted people to see it and go, OH SHIT! But, that’s not what happened. I think people will see it and see sweet spots, good filming, some originality, and a consistent solid riding. I wanted the crazy but came out with the conservative. I like it, because I was picky with my stuff and if it looked gross or dumb, I did not use it. I like the vibe and style. Hopefully people will as well. If not, oh well.
Whose part in the video are you anticipating most?
Lil Jeff’s promises to be OH SHIT! and Mcdermott’s seeing as I don’t think he has had a full part before, should be awesome! I am stoked to see the whole thing all together.
Have you been working on any other filming projects outside of this video?
Always. random edits, little stuff. I got a lot of ideas and a little time so it comes as it comes. stay posted.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Hell yeah. Thanks to Grant for putting up with working with me, thanks to Casey for being a motivator, thanks to Jason Govan for the Michigan tour, and thanks to Matt and Madera for allowing me to do this everyday! Thanks to BMX union for the questions and interest.
Grant Castelluzzo
Years filming/editing:
just short of 4 years
What kind of camera(s) and editing software are you using?
Sony vx2100 and Adobe Premier Pro on a Macbook Pro
When you first found out you were picked to help film the project, what were you thinking? Have you filmed much with the person you have been working with before?
When Mike asked me to film him for the video I was psyched. I like to ride and film with Mike because he is always doing something entertaining that makes you have a good time whether it’s getting mad in traffic or ripping a bum’s house apart from pure rage. It’s always a good time.
How do you go about filming? Do you have a thought process at all when it comes to setting up a shot?
Whenever I am filming someone I usually just get to filming right away if someone is feeling something. I don’t want to spend a bunch of time setting up the perfect artistic shot and psych someone out but at the same time I don’t just point the camera at whatever I’m filming. Mike and I talked about the filming and decided we liked the look and feel of long lens shots better so we decided to shoot almost everything long lens and use the fisheye sparingly.
Have you done much traveling to get the filming done? Where all have you been? Any other trips in the works?
We primarily filmed in Milwaukee because Mike knows where every spot is in the city, literally, and he had a bunch of stuff in mind in town. We also took a random trip to Michigan and rode Ann Arbor and Detroit which both had some good stuff to ride.
Have you had any complications? Camera failure/damage, lack of lighting, time, things not going as planned, etc?
Only complications would be time. Winter is hitting us hard and started fairly early so some of the stuff we filmed was done in like 30 degree temps and when its winter night falls early so we had to use a light a couple
times but other than that all went smoothly.
Have you had any of your work in other videos?
I have edited stuff for Madera before, most recently the Madera in Milwaukee edit. I also have filmed some stuff for props and other videos here and there. I’ve never really edited for a project this big so I’m psyched on that.
What’s the craziest or coolest thing you have experienced while doing this project?
Craziest is Mike getting really mad in Detroit and tearing a homeless person’s box home in half. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. Shit was crazy! The coolest thing is probably this spot that looked like it was out of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater that Jason Govan took us too. It had banks that went around the entire school and then some ledge setup in the front of the school. It was amazing. I could have stayed there all day and been happy.
How do you feel people will react to this when it’s all done? “good” or “fucking awesome”?
Hopefully fucking awesome because from what I’ve seen it’s pretty damn good
Whose part in the video are you anticipating most?
Little Jeff without a doubt that guy is dialed and amazing to watch in person. Also, Mccdermott’s section because I haven’t seen much from him and he’s a street dragon. He has got a lot of hot spots that will make his section real good. Ludwick and Politis as well because they are filming in California so they are going to be riding some awesome stuff. I’m excited for the whole project to be honest.
Have you been working on any other filming projects outside of this video?
I am continuing doing web stuff for Madera as well as working on a Sputnic team edit in the up coming weeks.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
I’d like to thank Mike Hinkens for giving me the opportunity to film and edit for a real video and also for all of the good times that came along with it. Also thanks to Matt Coplon for making this video happen, for being an awesome dude, and for helping me out with product all the time.I’de also like to thank my girlfriend Jessica for supporting me in riding and filming. Lastly i’de like to thank my boys Andy E., Chris Beers, and Andrew Kuntz for riding with me all the time and making me laugh.

The flyer for the premiere @ Mesh. Chad DeGroot knows how to party…
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