Categories: Interview

Jake Seeley Interview

Jake is good, I mean… real good. The kid has blown up big time in the last year. The kids on the come up love him and in all reality he really is on the come up and I think hes going places with riding. I mean he 540s down stairs like a champ…

Jake Seeley

Williamstown, a small town in Massachusetts

Manmade clothing, Coalition and Sunday bikes

So BMX has been good to you so far… What is your definition of BMX?
‘bicycle moto cross’ haha as long as your havin fun with your friends it’s all good, when its got to do with a bike its called bmx

You grew up racing, then trails and park.. Are you 100% street now or do you hit the trails once and a while?
Definatly cant say that im 100% street I ride some park but dont really enjoy it that much and I ride this dirt bowl by my house thats a lot of fun. I haven’t road trails since I hurt my knee about 4 years ago riding them. I’ve definatly grown to like riding street the most though. Theres more originality in street riding which makes it fun thats what makes me love to ride it.

What are some things you look for the most when your searching for spots?
Things I tend to look for the most when riding are spots most riders wouldn’t look at and think of riding them, stuff that you could be original with. I also like to ride a good uprail so i tend to look for rail set ups a lot

What is your dream spot to ride?
Moore Park

Do you feel racing and trails has effected the way you ride now?
Definatly allowed me to have more bike control with my riding now.

You recently had your Defgrip/The Come Up edit out, which was a big hit. How stoked are you to have a lot of people dig your riding?
Definatly couldnt be more siked that people where into it, its always a good feeling when people are into your riding.

It said you have a full manmade edit coming soon, when will that drop and what can we expect to see?
The video should be coming out by the middle of this summer, it would have been out by now but there was some problems getting my clips and Darren had a bunch of problems with his computer that kept putting the video on hold. The footage now is getting pretty old so im going to work on filming all new clips for it this spring

Do you have any signature stuff coming from Manmade?
Not that I know of. There really hasn’t ever been any talk about it.

You have been on Sunday and Coalition for a little while now, How are things going with that?
Real good both companys have helped me out a lot I’ve actully just recently got put on Coalition which I was really excited about, I love the image the company has and the parts they put out. everythings been working out really well with that.

What parts do you break most often?
Theres really only one part I go through the most and thats my freecoaster, I’m pretty sure I’ve gone through six of them in the past year. Its deffently not a cheap part to be going through either.

What are some new tricks you have got going on these days?
I’ve been just working on trying tricks I wouldn’t normaly try like I’ve been trying a lot of 5’s off things hopfully soon doing it down a set. mostly tricks not having to do with grinding. trying to have more variety with my riding.

*Click to see 540 down stairs!

What is one trick that you could not do for the life of you?
Nose manuals, almost seems impossible for me.

You ride brakeless, could you ever see yourself with brakes again?
definatly enjoy riding brakeless way too much to go back to brakes I really couldn’t see anything I would want or need them for there just another thing in your way to slow you down haha.

You have been doing a fair amount of traveling in the last year, where are some of the places you have had the chance to travel?
Over past year ive been to a lot of places around the country like texas, arizona and cali. Those have deffently been some on the best place I’ve ever got to ride for sure. couldn’t ask for more at the spots o got to ride at those places.

Where are some places you really would like to go to?
The one place i want to go most is Barcelona. It seems that everyone i talk to that has been there says it’s like a dream theres endless amazing spots and everything about it looks so nice. Theres no place I rather go more then there I dont think.

Who are some of your closer riding friends?
These friends are definatly the people that keep me modivated to ride Muffinman, Tom Lavorgna, Cory Godfrey, Adam 22, Spam, Alex Platt Loey and Jayren Pierson

Who is one person you have always wanted to ride with but never had the chance?
Seth kimbrough, i’ve had the chance to talk to him a bit but never the chance to ride with him.

Who or what do you think effects your riding the most?
I’d say my freinds effect my riding the most.

Other than the Manmade edit, do you have any other video parts or anything in the works?
Other than the manmade video I’ll be filming for the new sunday video. Im not to sure on if its going to be a mixed part or if the flow team will each have a part of there own. I know either way the flow teams footys going to be real good cuz they all kill it.

What are some riding videos or video parts you are really stoked on right now?
ive been really psyched the whole insight video, def one of the best videos ive seen in a while. my fav part hands down though is aaron ross and chase hawks electronical parts

What do you have planned for 08′ riding wise?
Hopfully just traveling as much as possible and meeting more rad dudes that love to ride as much as i do.

What do you think you would be doing if you didn’t ever pick up a bike way back when?
Probably be going to school for graphic design or somthing having to do with art. Im really not to sure, I just know my life would be completly different if I hadn’t picked up a bike.

What are some of your interests outside of BMX?
Films, I’m really into to creating short horror films i’ve made a few hopfully further down the road succesfuly making a full lenth one. Music, I love going to shows, I try to hit up as many as possible. A friend of mind is in a band so I often go to his shows and film his band. There sick check them out (

Do you work at all or is riding your main priority?
I work at a shop call The Garden. Its one of the best jobs I could ask for it’s a skate/bike, shoes/clothing shop and i run the whole bike part of the shop. The boss is really cool about letting me take time off when ever I go on trips or even if it’s a really nice day and im just wanting to ride my bike.

What are some of your favorite movies outside of riding movies?
Im a bit more of a horror fan but just the other night I went and saw the movie 21 and loved it, definatly one of the better movies ive seen in a wile.

What are some bands you are into, any unknown ones you think people should check out?
Definatly winds of plague, probably one of my favorite bands right now, i’d say check out any of the death metal/ grind core scene.

What are some of your favorite websites?
Only 3 that i really check ever Myspace, The come up, Defgrip but i’ll definatly have to add bmxunion to the list and definatly check out Yauw coming out with in the next cupple weeks, sites going to be hot!

What is a crazy story from being on the road?
Sean burns told us this story on the come up trip about this girl he knew that ‘finger bangs cats’ that had to be the craziest story i’ve heard

In your old come up interview, you mentioned you had 2 cell phones, do you still have that going on or did you get you some service?
Nope my towns still got no service but I recently got rid of both phones and got my self a black berry. so problem solved

If you could sum yourself up in 5 words what would they be?

*Click to see big
Photo Credit: Keith Romanowski

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Build a legit skate park plaza in my town for my self and the locals that rip in my town and probably give some to my rents cuz they definetly helped me out way too much with cash over the years, so it would be nice to pay them back and just have the rest to buy some nice stuff for my self I guess.

Do you got a lady friend? and do you have any game advice for the guys having trouble getting chicks?
Nope cant say that I do, I wish I had some advice but im one of those kids having truble finding a girl. So I wouldnt be so much help haha. A girl friend would be nice but it will happen when it happens. Im not stressing

Who or what are some of your biggest influences on your life as a whole?
My Parents/Grandparents and friends but mostly my younger brother hes the one that keeps me reminded to stay on the right track because I want him to do the same.

If you could spend the day with anybody alive or dead, who would it be and why?
It would be my grandfather hands down I had some of my best exsperinces with him.

What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
To prove to my grandmother that my riding can take me somewhere in life

What is one food you could never get sick of?
Steak cooked on the Grill

When you leave the house, what things do you always have with you?
cell phone, bike, knee brace

How do you feel about websites like myspace?
Im into it, I dont know why but it’s a good time killer when your sitting around. It’s also a real good way to stay in touch with good friends from out of town.

What would you do if something happened and you weren’t allowed to ride your bike anymore?
Defintly a hard question to answer. I really dont know it would be so devistating.

How do you feel about big contests and BMX racing being in the olympics?
Not into it personaly just because of the competitiveness and seriousness of it, but its deffenlty helping out the industry a lot. Hopefully BMX just continues to grow more and more.

If you could change one thing about BMX, what would it be and why?
People stressing about other peoples riding, people worry way to much about how others ride just worry about your self, ride and have fun. thats what BMX is all about.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
My Mom, Dad Al my Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather who was a huge part of my life, All my Friends you guys no who you are. Bill and Matt over at the garden with out those guys I wouldn’t have the best job ever. Jay Elling, Kieth dom and scott for taking all my photos.Adam 22, the dudes helped me out so much. big thanks to Mr. Jim C at Sunday Darren from manmade, all the guys over at coalition and Hell on earth and finally like to thank Kurt over at BMX union for giving me the chance to do this interview thanks for eveything guys with out all these people i wouldnt be the person i am today.

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