Categories: Interview

Jeff DuPaul Interview

Unless you have been living under a rock and never use your internet for anything more than Redtube, YouPorn, or Facebook, you probably have heard of Jeff DuPaul. If not Jeff DuPaul, probably Team Jeff DuPaul. I’ve been interested in finding more out about this guy for some time now, and finally had the opportunity to shoot him some questions. We even got a few of the guys from the team in on asking some questions. I’m pretty stoked since he is a real good guy just looking out for his friends, and for a good time. Check out the interview and leave Jeff some love in the comments!

Jeff David-Kyung DuPaul a.k.a. Mike Salad a.k.a. Kyung Sou (that’s my real name, although idk how to spell it)

On my porch in Prospect, CT

None, but def. repping The Last People and A-Town Trash. AMUH!!!

Years riding:
Gzz well, I have been riding since a little before senior year of high school, but through about 2 years of injuries, I been in BMX for about 5ish years but really on the bike for only like less than 4.

Years filming and editing:
well I got my camera when I tore my ACL this last time, so about 7 months. I always filmed and edited before that with like a terrible camera held together by little devil stickers. I made a billion edits, but had dial up internet, so none of them ever made it online hahaha.

What was it the first got you into BMX? Do you have any early memories?
Man I feel so dumb talking about myself haha, umm I saw Road Fools Europe day 2 on Bluetorch, and was hooked. I used to skate prior so I watched shows that had both like x-games, I got on my bike after that though. My first memory is following all the good kids from my town to the trails jumping the first set and then quitting. I don’t know, I didn’t have fun jumping the sets, so I would just go chill, I had most fun cruising to the gas station to get drinks and hoping curbs and stuff. There were benches across the street from a subway that I learned to grind on, and was stoked. All the locals around me were trail rats but I was stoked on street, kind of went my own way after that.
On a side note, kind of wish I learned to ride trails so I would have more bike control lol.

I’ve heard from others how Team Jeff DuPaul all came about, but maybe you could give it to us from your perspective? Why your name over something weird like the other guys out there like Team Dilly or BMXfu?
I get this question a lot, It’s not some ego trip or anything, infact I didn’t even invent TJD. It all started about a year ago, Not-So-Metro 08. I always bought Andre Postell ciggs, gas, park entrance fees, food, anything he needed. It’s just how I am. I’ll do almost anything for my friends. Well Andre made a joke that I was his sponsor, and listed Team Jeff DuPaul for the contest. It kinda blew up when c-beef got real stoked and was like lets do this. As a joke I posted a myspace bulletin saying TJD now accepting sponsor me tapes. A billion kids sent in tapes and a few friends were like yeah put me on haha, so we just ran with it. I think that answers the name question, And re picked it. I started calling it TJD though to escape using my name, it just feels weird haha, I say it stands for The Junior Dolphins, Denny calls it this justified dream, when we go to parties so we sound like an awesome emo band. Shouts to Charlie and Greg Henry and everyone at BMXfu by the way.

Is it true you are throwing down your own cash to keep Denny and a few other dudes in the crew rolling?
Yeah hahaha, I mean it’s just money. I have never really cared about material possessions. I like friends and stuff more. I think it’s just bike riding, everyone throws everyone a dollar here and there. TJD started off my generosity, but currently TJD is broke lol.

Team Jeff DuPaul is all spread out around the North East area from my understanding. How often do you guys usually get together? Who do you ride with the most TJD or not?
Well I live in Connecticut. TJD is spread all around the north east, with some Canadian, west coast and FL reppers. Hahaha the close group of us from the north east ride together like 3 times a month, seems every weekend someone is staying at my house. We have groups of up to 15 people at a time crammed in my room. TJD riders I ride with the most is Denny, Chris Childs, Chris Zep, Craig, Mike Mastroni, Corey Godfrey. Kids I ride with the most are Haven locals, especially my dudes Garrett Servan and Gary Russel. Really I feel those 2 and Mike are the only kids I ride with a lot. And that’s only haven cause of winter. Mike lives like forever away so I usually solo shred.

Where are you usually riding? Anywhere you have been dying to go lately?
Haha well I haven’t ridden in 7ish month, but Haven a lot, just cause it’s close, some lil prefabbers and just some lil spots. I never actually ride though haha I just ride for a minute then chill. I get burnt out on the same spots. I’m going to Cali for a Take trip so I am stoked on that, and pretty much anywhere over in Europe. Especially Barcelona, and just any country not too much explored. Might go with Mike, probably not though because of funds.

When can we expect a full-length video out of you guys?
Oh gosh, I have no idea, we are filming, but we don’t want like a thousand indoor park clips like all our web edits. We been saving the good stuff for our DefGrip video. Which will be more or less a full length. We will be submitting sections as they wrap up. It’s my way to do a full length. The idea of making an actual DVD crossed my mind, but I don’t think people would buy it. Plus with posting by section, people can film until they feel their section is good and done. I don’t want to put out something I’m not happy with. Might take all the sections when it is done and burn a few copies though.

Didn’t you have your bike stolen or something recently? What’s the story behind that one?
I did have my bike stolen at an h-town contest a few years ago and then returned by the kid who stole it. I didn’t care about my bike, I just wanted to know a girls name. Anyways, this time I sold my bike when I tore my ACL to help pay for bills. I’m all set to ride again, just don’t have a bike. I need a cassette, cranks and some little things. I just don’t have any money.

If you could go on a road trip with only 5 people, who would you bring, where would you go, and why?
Ok definitely Denny, he goes where I go, because he can ride, but he’s sooo funny. Chris Childs cause he shred and has witty one liners, Garrett Reeves, because he will do all the bangers, Mike Mastroni because he’s my main dude and shredsss and is a 2nd angle for when I screw up the first. 5th is Craig Zeppieri (combo of Chris and Craig) cause Craig would hide in Chris’s suitcase and come, and them fighting is the best thing to watch. It was hard to pick 5, and I don’t think it would matter where we go, because we would have fun off our bikes just as much as on. We would probably go to some nice big city or Barcelona. Although it’s gonna get played out fast.

Do you have any trips planned at all right now? What would you like to do for ’09?
I’d like to travel as much in ’09 as possible. Denny and I have an idea for one trip called the Myspace trip. We all got little girlies we talk/talked to and they always say come visit. Well, we get a bunch of them to let a buncha dirty bike riders come stay, and we map out our adventure through myspace girls hahaha. I wana go everywhere though in all reality, I’m bad at planning ahead and organizing trips, but they do happen.

Do you have any crazy stories involving cops, security, midgets, homeless people, prostitutes, and or angry pedestrians?
I know I have a thousand, but am drawing a blank. I’m blowing it, definitely cracking under the pressure

Would you change anything about BMX if you could?
Yeah a lot hahaha. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions and even the things I don’t like I can find positive things about.

If you could get yourself and the rest of your team sponsored by any company, BMX related or not, who would you pick to endorse the team?
Everyone has a energy drink sponsor, well we would def pick extenze energy drinks, we saw them on a commercial once and got so stoked hahaha. It would be the best sponsor ever. Extenze and vodka haha, girls at the bar would be STOKEDDDD

What do you think you would be up to if you never got into BMX?
Schooling it or something I probably wasn’t having fun with. I never had fun in school and things rarely hold my attention. I still worry about the future cause I have no idea what I want to do. But when I was little I wanted to be a fire truck. Not fire man, but fire truck. So maybe I can still do that?

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding, filming, or editing?
Nothing, man I have noooo life. I usually sleep, play with my dog, and watch food network. Cruise the net for a quick minute and then get bored and freak out. It’s cause my closest buddy Mike lives like an hour away.

What was it that got you into filming and editing anyways?
Basically tearing my ACL, I mean that’s what legit got me into it. Before that I dabbled and stuff, but I don’t know. Just something I had fun doing really and ran with it.

Chris zep: How many injuries and surgeries have you had?
I have torn both my ACL’s, ruptured a disc and fractured a vertebra in my back, that’s 3 surgeries, but my latest ACL took an additional 2 operations. That’s like 2 years off the bike lol, also I fractured my left wrist, and the average rolled ankles and sore knees and wrists. Oh and I’m positive I broke my left elbow but never went to the doctor for it

What is your camera gear situation looking like these days? Everything from cameras, lenses, to editing software.
I film with a Panasonic DVX 100b, and edit with Adobe Premier. I don’t actually have any lense. Long shots all day. Although Miles Rogoish just showed me how to film with one so I might get one. I just always loved long shots more

What is your dream set up?
Is this referring to riding or filming… for riding, any different unique setup, I’m more a person of circumstances rather than tricks or skill haha. Filming wise, just good lighting, crisp blue sky with minimal clouds. Good friends shredding, and a spot with character. Something eye appealing

It seems like you are a pretty popular dude, what is it about you that makes you kick so much ass?
Hahahaha dude I don’t know, I just try and be friendly to everyone in my adventures. I like everyone.

Approximately how many women have you gave yellow fever to? Any miniature replicas of you running around?
Hahahaha, I hope they can’t trace that yellow fever back to me! I didn’t mean to give it, but I got my girlfriend now, all I need.

Since you are 21, what is the current drink of choice?
I rarely drink, almost never.I drink just beer really, not real picky, honestly I generally don’t pay either. When I drink it’s cause people hand me drinks, cause I’m just as content not drinking. I generally only get drunk with Chris Childs, we are alcoholics.

Have you ever been so drunk you either pissed yourself, made love to a large female, and or beat yourself up?
Hahaha no no and no, thank god, I did get drunk once and upset and consoled by a stripper, that was awesome story from a terrible night.

What do you do with a cashew in a lollipop?
Suck it till you get the nut! Bahahaha No homo for our amigos de la come up.

What kind of music is a guy like you into?
Everything, wicked cliché answer haha. But I like indie a lot, and rap. I listen to a lot of tupac haha. But I’ll listen to everything from whiney emo to electro pop haha.

Garrett Reeves: How do you drink 8 sodas a day and eat marshmallow fluff burritos and keep such a nice figure?
Man I have no idea, good metabolism, cause god knows I don’t do any physical activity

Denny: The powerful flaming punch of shoryuken or the high powered focus blast of hadoken?
I’m gonna have to go with Miles and Hadoken, I mean anyone can upper cut, but who do you know can focus energy into a call and take yo ass out!

If you could relive any day of your life, when would you go back to and why?
I don’t know if I would want to pick a good day and relieve it or a bad day and change it, I would really wish I never tore my ACL this second time, it just doesn’t feel the same. But then again I wouldn’t have gotten my camera, so I guess everything happens for a reason.

For one day you could commit any crimes you wanted and get away with it, no limit of how many, what would you do?
Oh man, I’d rob every bank ever so I’d be set for life and never have to get a real job. I really can’t think of anything else.

What is your biggest fear?
Losing people close to me, and being forgotten. When you think about being forgotten makes life seem like it wasn’t worth it. Also spiders, and heights. It’s why I stay below coping hahaha

Kill one, fuck one, marry one. Barbara Walters, Lisa Lampanelli, Hillary Clinton.
Dude man I got the ugliest women to pick from, at least Matty got like interesting looking women. I’d kill Hillary, fuck Barbra cause listening to her during sex with that voice would be hysterical, and I guess marry Lisa, but she only likes black dudes. Get it Denny!

Mike Mastroni: If you could eliminate 3 female celebrities who would they be and why?
Paris Hilton, cause she is so sloppy and not even that hot, Tyra Banks for thinking she is way cooler than she is, and Beyonce for saying a diva is a female version of a hustler, I don’t know, that makes me so mad haha.

C Beef: When is Denny’s first album “Denny dicks dudes” come out on the street?
I was thinking of taking all of Denny’s freestyles and making them MP3’s.

Please explain to me the metro 06 trip problems and near jail times that we all faced?
Oh gosh, first we snuck a kid into Canada, got pulled over at the boarder with him hiding under the clothes and gear, at the same time some friends from Philly get pulled over and they get searched, we start sweating that they are gonna search us, but after some computering we get cleared and book. can’t believe that, I’d still be in jail. On the way home they pull us over again, but we reported the other kids wallet stolen so we could get back in to the us, they pull me into the back room with like the light in my face asking for my green card, I’m like I don’t have a green card I’m a citizen, they wanted to throw me in jail for a few months and charge me $5000 bucks, but they let me go cause I said I was 17 and a minor hahaahahaha. So scary.

Where do you see yourself in a perfect world 5 years from now?
Rich beyond my wildest dreams and spending it on all my friends and f amily, orrrrrrr on Denny’s MTV show. Dude that will happen, mark my words.

Have you ever purchased a Girls Gone Wild video or any porn?
No, I had dial up internet forever so never watched porn. I don’t know, I just never into it, I know that’s weird. But girls gone wild, never saw a real video, but have you ever noticed that girl like wrestling in the pool has a sausage in her bikini bottoms like on the side?

What is the worst thing you have spent your money on in the last month or two?
Hahahaha nothing cause I haven’t had money in about 7 months since I tore my ACL and haven’t worked. But probably fast food.

Have you ever been in a fight and or arrested?
I was in a fight like once on the school bus in like 3rd grade but never really arrested. Few close calls though, best one was when me and spam dined and dashed and cop cut my license in half.

What is the best advice you have ever been able to give or have been given?
Do it for yourself. It s the only way man like I forget who told me that but seriously. Only way to get any satisfaction out of life.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Oh brotha, soo many. First off, my Parents for supporting me and putting up with my junk for so long. My girlfriend for always trying to give me money and being there for me. All my TJD homies and supporters, thanks for liking all the videos and giving us such positive feed back and support.

NAME DROP SECTION Chris Childs, Chris Zeppieri, Garret Servan, Sven, Evan, Nick Dettorre, John Ludwick, Craig Passero, Garret Reeves, Corey Godfrey, Mike Mastroni, Gary Russel, Spam, Ewips, Barchus, Andre, C-beef, Villani, Julia, Natalie, my big sis Jenna, Samantha, Kyia, Alex B, James Hess, Jessie Jay, Matty Long, Sandman, Tom V, Jeff Dowhen, Ben Hucke, Adam22 Jeff K, Zak Earley, Drew Bezanson, B Christi, Don P, James Lukas, Ryan aka Chris Johnsson, Dane Wild, Dan Foley, Garret P, Justin L, and Everyone everywhere who has ever helped me out, from letting me borrow a buck to buy a drink to letting me sleep on your floor, trust me I remember all of you.
Special thanks to Denny for being my best friend thru everything and always keeping me entertained man. Thanks to you Kurt for thinking I was interesting enough that people would wana read all this nonsense

Anything else you want to say?
I can’t believe you all read this bahahaha go ride you loonies.

Below is only a few of Jeff’s edits! You can check out 29 videos on his


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