Categories: Interview

Jeremie Infelise Interview

I have been working on lining up a whole bunch of interviews for you guys to check out latley. One thing I really am stoked on is the response from the people when I ask. Not only is Jeremie a very talented rider, he also has a pretty sweet job too working at Sidewall Distribution. I hope you enjoy this one it has some awesome stories in it! Let us know what you think in the comments! All photos by: Josh Vaughan

Jeremie Infelise

Oklahoma City OK

Hoffman bikes, Snafu, Sauced

Years Riding:

What was it that first got you into BMX and did you ever expect it to take you to where you are today?
My aunt started dating a bmx’er, and she sent me a bunch of videos and instantly I wanted to ride a bike. I’ve always set up sketchy ramps with boards and cinder blocks, but what they were doing on the video was unreal. I visited them in Oklahoma for the summer and he ended up giving me his old bike. I took it home and messed it up shortly after. About a year later I moved from California to Oklahoma and got the bike fixed and haven’t stopped riding since. The guy was Mark Owen (Chuck D); I owe everything to him then and now.

You are on the Hoffman team, how are things going with them, what is it like to ride for Mat, and is there anything big going on over there like trips, videos, sig products with you, or anything fun like that?
Hoffman Bikes is amazing. The team couldn’t get better and they are very open minded with what we want to do. We just did a trip to Colorado and New Mexico that is in Props #69. We are doing a team series of shirts; I designed the second one that has just been released. Its called “make party”, a little change up from what the past HB shirts have been. It also has a good story behind it. As of anything else there is nothing set in stone just some ideas.

How are things going with Snafu? Anything good going on with them you want to talk about?
Snafu is also another team I’m glad to be a part of. I got on when everyone thought they were dead. And since then I feel those guys are doing a good job of bringing it back and I think they are going in the right direction. I’m currently working on a handle bar. It’s called the JRI bar. I asked them about doing a bigger bar, they said come up with it and we will do it. Not sure I deserve a sig part like that but if that’s what they want to do then I guess I’ll go with it. The first run was a bit rushed but there are two samples being done to finalize them for the second run so hopefully some people will be into them.

You also work over at Sidewall Distribution. How long have you been there, what do you do there, and how do you like it?
I have been at Sidewall for almost two years now. I do a bit of sales, answer a few different e-mail accounts, some warranty stuff and any other odd jobs that need to be done. I like it a lot the only draw back is the majority of my time is spent at a desk and I get bit anxious and have to get a few times a day to ride around the office or goof off with Ever which is Mark Owens daughter. Sidewall also doubles as a day care.

Obviously you have had the chance to ride some really great places, where are some of your favorite places you have been and why?
Malaysia, because it was the first time I had been out of the country and I came close to dying in a cab.

Where are some places you would like to add to your list?
South Africa, Australia, Spain and Europe also South America. So many places.

Who is your typical riding crew and where could you typically be found riding?
Lately its been my friend Nick and Neal. And all the young up and comers who are always at the park. We have two really good parks that I go to often. But lately I’ve been trying to ride more street and I like to do that with a minimal crew, seems easier to get stuff done and doesn’t draw too much attention. My good friend Stephen just got back from Iraq, he’s one that I will definitely session with often.

If you were only allowed to do one trick for a week, what trick would you pick and why?
Tuck no-handers. Coming up with Mat around and other vert guys, I’ve always wanted to do that trick. And now when I do them it’s the best feeling.

What is one trick you cannot do for the life of you?
How about all of them. Things do not seem to come easy for me and I have to work for everything I have. The latest one would have to be barspin to foot jam though.

Speaking of life, have you had any bad injuries from riding at all?
Torn both ACL’s, separated both ac shoulder joints and I seem to hit my face a lot.

Who were some of your biggest influences on your riding when you first got into it and how about today?
Everyone from Hoffman bikes who worked there when I first started hanging out; Mark Owen, Mat Hoffman, Steve Swope, Page Hussey, Mike Collins, Chris Collins, Big Island and anyone else I didn’t name. Some are still around and some have moved on to different things. It is a big family and I’m fortunate enough to be included.

If you could go on a road trip with anybody and go anywhere, who would you bring and where would you go?
This is a tough one. Can we go to space?
A few dudes and no one knows each other to a place that we have never been, South Africa would be my first choice. I think new friends with a common bond of BMX in a new place would be a memorable time.

What does BMX need less of and what could it use more of?
Blogs seem to be latest talk of BMX, especially the negativity that seems to come out of them. Less negative would be nice but you have to also take that stuff lightly, you can’t please everyone. More cities that supported bikes in parks. I wish everyone were fortunate with parks that allow bike and pegs. Our local parks are pretty supportive of us, but that also came with some work also.

Do you have any plans of hitting up any contests like the dew tour at all this year?
Not any of the Dew tours, I will try and go to some smaller local events. Getting time from work is hard sometimes so I like to use the time off and money for road trips with friends or visiting somewhere I haven’t been yet.

Do you have any good stories of run ins with security/cops/homeless people at all?
We used to mess the security guards at a local university. We would ride a spot or two then when they came we would scatter and go back and forth inside the campus.
After a bit of that we would go to the park across the street and get on the roof of the gazebo and watch them try to find us. After it cooled down we would do it all over again.
And once we were at a mini ramp that some neighbor hood association built but didn’t allow bikes. One of the dads tried to grab my friends bike so in a scuffle for the bike he ended up throwing the dad to the flat bottom from the deck. That was pretty funny.

Outside of riding and work what are some things you are into?
Making videos, BBQing, new music, hanging out with friends, trying to learn Photoshop.

Who or what have been some of the biggest influences on your life?
My family, immediate and adopted.

Favorite ice cream?
Currently is Rocky Road or a caramel, pecan and fudge sundae.

Is there anybody in this entire world you would really love to give a swift kick in the nuts/vag to and why?
I don’t think so. But I never got why some dudes like to play the sac-tap game. I’m not a very good sport at the game so I suggest not playing it with me.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years and what are some things you would like to accomplish by then?
Hopefully still fortunate enough to be able to ride, I’d also like to buy a house. Other than that take it day by day and try to have some fun along the way.

If you could have any car/form of transportation, real or fiction what would you want to cruise around in?
Lear jet to travel the world.

You find $100 on the street, what do you do with it?
I would buy a bunch of food and have a bbq with all of my friends.

What is something crazy that has happened to you that nobody believes when you tell them?
I have this crazy scar on my leg. It’s about 1/4″ wide and 3 inches long, it happened from a zip tie.

Have you ever been in a fight and did you win?
Yes I have and I guess so. I was in a Taco bell parking lot when I was 18. Me and I friend were waiting for some one being loud and stupid. These two dudes and their girls were walking out and I guess they thought we were messing with them. Next thing I know one of the dudes runs up to the car (while im in it still) and starts trying to hit me. I open the door and hit him with it and get out, he starts swinging all crazy not even getting close to hitting me. I grab him then pin him to the ground and all of a sudden the two girls jump on my back. So here I am, I have two girls on my back and the dude in a headlock. I finally get them off me then the other dude wants to fight me. I explained that if the three of them couldn’t do the job then I doubt he could so they left. That story always makes me laugh even though I don’t consider myself a violent person.

If you could be sponsored by any company that has no relation to BMX what would you pick and why?
Even though we don’t have one, Whole Foods. A good portion of my money goes to food that would eliminate one of my biggest expenses.
Or an airline, free tickets!!!

Do you spend much time on the computer? Any favorite websites?
I normally don’t touch the computer at work or if I’m out of town.
I’ll do some non-bmx sites:
Vice mag
Inked mag
Filter mag

What is the best advice you have for kids just getting into BMX?

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to my family, friends and sponsors

Anything else you would like to say?
Thanks to Kurt for doing this interview it was fun.

Jeremie Web Edit early 2007 from Hoffman Bikes on Vimeo.

Jeremie Cut 1 from Hoffman Bikes on Vimeo.

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