Categories: Interview

Jono Hopping Interview

All photos: Ryan McCrae

Pretty much everyday, I start my day out surfing through a good amount of videos, news, and what not to post on DIG. There’s a lot of names that are pretty frequent, and from time to time there’s a new name that can shred a bike that impresses me. I came across Jono’s Etnies welcome edit and one of the first things was him blasting a flair to the ceiling and then crashing to the flat bottom where he looked dead. Needless to say it got my attention, and as the edit continued on, I decided I’d see if he wanted to answer a few questions for my curiosity. Clearly, he was down and now you have this. Check out what Jonathon has to say, some photos and videos, then leave him some love in the comments!

Name: Jonathon Hopping

Location: Hamilton, New Zealand.

Sponsors: Triplesix Distro, Subrosa, Shadow Conspiracy, Etnies, Wrong indoor skate park and VOLUCiD clothing.

Years riding: Roughly about 4 and a half.

What was it that first got you into riding? Any early memories come to mind?
I grew up on a farm when I was a lot younger and can always remember trying to find things to jump my old mountain bike off that I had at the time. I rode MX bikes for a solid 6-7 years from when I was about 6 years old as well but it wasn’t until I moved to high school and got my first BMX bike which was when I really started getting into it.

How are things going with Triplesix these days? Do you have anything in the works with them for Shadow or Subrosa?
Couldn’t be more stoked with things at Triplesix. Mike looks after all of us super well! Nothing as such in the works at the moment, still fairly new to Shadow and Subrosa so just waiting to see how it all goes!

You had your welcome to Etnies edit drop the other day. How did you get involved with Etnies? Do you guys have anything in the works at all yet?
Pretty lucky really. Mike from Triplesix hooked it up with Ryan from Etnies and got all of the Triplesix team co-spono’d by them, then it has just gone from there! couldn’t more psyched.

Volucid is a new name to me. What’s that company all about?
Volucid is a sick New Zealand based BMX clothing company that’s all about good times and supporting NZ BMX. Check it out !

Based on that new edit you had, I see you have been doing a bit of travelling. Where all have you been lately? Do you have any big trips or plans to get out of Australia in 2011 for a bit?
Yeah, this year would definitely be my first year of proper travelling. Mostly around New Zealand for various contests then in July I was lucky enough to go over and spend a month in Canada and stay with a buddy of mine from New Zealand who was living over there at the time, George Bolter. Not a great deal at the moment, just a few contests over the summer then hopefully in February go over to Aus and meet up with JT from Blazegaurd and all The Set guys to chill out and clock some more clips for the Blazegaurd dvd!

Have you been working on filming for Get Used To It or anything in particular? When can we expect to see some more of your savage riding?
Nothing for Subrosa as such, as I said I’m still fairly new to that side of things with them so everythings pretty low key for the now. As for filming, I shot a few clips for Blazegaurd when I was over in Canada and am hoping to get some more when we go to Aus. Filming for video’s is definitely one of my favourite things about BMX so I always try to have something in the works!

Speaking of savage. Are you okay? It looks like you took a few real bad crashes making that Etnies edit. What kind of an injury list do you have running?
Haha, yeah it seemed like I killed myself for that video. But yeah, I’m sweet. Surprisingly no broken bones. Funny you ask that, I’ve just had a week of work with some gnarly knee infection I picked up from somewhere but apart from that I’m fine at the moment.

Do you have much of an issue to get motivation to ride how you do?
YES, I’d say 9.9 times out of 10 my biggest thing that motivates me would have to be the camera haha. Not a very big BMX scene where I live and when it does come to serious riding, the dudes I usually ride with are more keen on getting drunk.

Who’s the usual crew you are riding with? Any up and coming guys you think people will be hearing about sooner than later?
During the week, I usually just ride with one of my good mates Hayden but lately been getting a chance to ride with a local shredder from Cambridge called Josh De Reus. Look out for this dude! Big things to come!

It doesn’t seem like you struggle much with tricks. What’s one trick you can’t do for the life of you that might surprise people?
Hmmm. Any kind of size-able rail for the first time I always seem to get really hurt on. Otherwise hang 5’s!

Who are some of your biggest influences when it comes to riding? Who are some people that get you real psyched on riding?
George and Louis Bolter are always super good to ride with! When it comes to the big dogs, anything from Dennis Enarson or Drew Bezanson gets me stoked. Otherwise web vids from dudes that I’ve met always gets me amped – Sean sexton, Kym Grosser. Complete Animals.

Do you ever get bored or burned out at all on riding? What are some things you do to keep it fresh?
Not so much, I’m always trying to progress and learn new tricks. Or things that no one’s done before.

What do you think you would be getting into if you didn’t get into BMX?
Most probably would of stuck with motocross and gone further with that I’d say. Or something to do with cars.

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding?
Usually just chilling out, working, mucking around with cars and partying!

Do you have any plans for college or work at all? Any ideas of what you might be into doing after BMX?
I would have no idea haha. Left school at the end of last year and got a full time job at a place called RD1 which is like a farming retail store. Apart from that been thinking about possibly getting into some sort of mechanics or engineering trade maybe a bit later down the track.

How are the ladies treating you down there? Approximately how many girls lives have you ruined?
Haa, to the first part of that question, awesome! Second – pass.

Do you party much or are you more of a chiller? What makes for a good night out for you?
Definitely more of a party person. But then like to chill sometimes aswell. Good people, good music, free alcohol and good bars!

Do you have any goals or things you would like to get done in 2011?
Hmm not really. Just ride and travel a lot more! Aside from BMX, try to get 250kw out of my Mazda on standard internals.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years or so?
Still be riding and have a high paying job, living in Canada hopefully!

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched, and website you visited?
Song im listening to while writing this is Lovely day – Twista. Movie would be Nike Writing on the walls. And website would be

If you could have any sponsor that isn’t BMX related, who would you pick and why?
Any kind of flight company so I could go anywere. Otherwise Liquor king, because it was be reeeeeally helpful.

What’s something you currently don’t have, but want?
A new iPod, dislike not having portable music.

If you could live somebody else’s life for one day, who would you want to be and why?
Any kind of pro drifter, get to thrash the hell of sick cars for one day. Yes please.

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Biggest thank you of all would have to go to my Mum and Dad for everything they’ve done for me. Too many things to list. Mike at Triplesix for everything! Ryan and Stephanie from Etnies. Kirk from Volucid clothing. Sam at Wrong indoor skate park. My boss Aidan from RD1 for giving me so much time off work. Thanks to my girl Kate for driving me to contests/demos when I didn’t have a license. Everyone I’ve ever ridden with and learned things off. And anyone thats ever let me crash on their couch ! Appreciate it.

Anything else you want to say?
Send it ! You’ll always regret it if you don’t.

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