Categories: bike check

Justin Spriet Bike Check

There’s a lot of up and coming riders out there that know how to kill it on a bike. There’s not a ton of riders out there that know how to throw down at the trails, on the streets or at the skatepark or even a race track if they had to. Justin Spriet is a young gun for Fit Bike Co. that has proven he’s definitely capable of taking care of business on whatever you put in front of him for a session. We figured it would be cool to catch up with him to check out his current setup and to find out a little bit more about him. Check out this dialed unit in this fresh bike check!

Name: Justin Spriet

Location: Murrieta, CA


Years riding: Raced since I was 5 then stopped when I was 13. I started riding park, street, and trails when I was like 11 though. So about 12 or 13 years of all around BMX haha

Frame: Fit Mike Aitken “S4”

Bars: Fit Inman

Fork: Fit blade 2

Stem: Fit BF topload

Grips: ODI longnecks

Headset: Primo

Cranks: Fit 24mm indent

Pedals: Fit Mac’s

Sprocket: Fit Down Low

Chain: Shadow

Seat / Post / Clamp: Demolition pivitol, shadow post

Front Wheel / Tire: Primo front wheel, Fit FAF 2.25 front tire

Rear Wheel / Tire: Demolition Back wheel, Fit FAF 2.1 back tire

Pegs: Fit OG’s

Brakes? Nope, too trendy for them I guess haha

Modifications: Nothing really, I just put it together and go ride haha

What’s the newest part on your bike?

What’s the oldest?
The front wheel

What do you usually go through the fastest?
I’d say grips and tires I go through the most

Do you gotta have your bike setup a certain way for it to feel right or are you pretty much able to hop on any bike and do your thing?
I guess I just like a really plain setup, nothing to steep.

You have been doing it for Fit for a while now, how are things going with them? Do you have any trips or videos in the works?
It’s been going so great! Definitely honored and stoked to be a part of such a rad brand. I’ll be doing some box trailer tours pretty soon and filming for the DVD soon which will be sweet.

Any other sponsor news you can tell us about?
Nothing too planned out for sure right now, but possibly in the works with something.

One thing that always stood out to me in your edits was the clips of your dad riding. Did you get into BMX because of him or did he pick it up when you did?
Yeah, my dad’s always rode his whole life and got me into racing when I was 5 then things just popped off from there and we both quit racing and just shredded trails and stuff from then on. Without him though, I would be nowhere even close to where I am in BMX. Shout out to BMX TODD!!

Photo: Chris McMillan

So you started out racing and then made your ways to the trails and everywhere else?
I raced for 7 years and just finally fell in love with riding trails/street/park and quit racing

I know California is pretty much a dream with anything you could want to ride. Where are you spending most of your time these days?
I don’t really have a local spot because there is so much things to ride out here. I can ride anything I want during anytime of the year (street/park/dirt) which is rad!

Anywhere you have always wanted to go but haven’t had the chance yet?
I’ve always wanted to make a trip back east to Posh and all the trails back there. Looks so amazing.

Photo: Chris McMillan

Have you been filming for another edit? When can we expect to see some footage of you popping up?
Yeah I’ve been filming for a street edit for a while now and should be out in the next month and a half or so.

What are you usually up to when you aren’t riding these days? Do you go to school, work or anything like that?
I’m lucky enough to be homeschooled so I get to work around that and ride everyday haha. Pretty much the only time I’m not riding is when I’m hurt.

What’s something about yourself that might surprise people?
I’m actually smart and get all A’s in school haha.

What’s the last song you heard, movie you watched?
Song was “The End” by The Doors, last movie I watch was Anthem 2, I watch that almost everyday before I go ride (shout out to Stew Johnson)

How can people keep up with you these days? Are you on Twitter, Instagram or anything like that?
Twitter: @justinspriet
Instagram: @justinspriet

Photo: Chris McMillan

Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
Thanks to My dad and my whole family, All of my friends, Chris Moeller at Fit Bike Co. for being the sickest dude, and just anyone who has ever helped me out in any way in my life.

Anything else you want to say?
Go ride your bikes!!!!!

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