Check out how Kevin Peraza gets ready for the X Games!

With the X Games going down in California this weekend, it’s always interesting to see how guys like Kevin Peraza get ready for the big show. Here’s a fresh video he dropped on his Youtube channel where we get a little look at the training, riding and more that he gets into to prepare. This is all in Spanish, but there are English subtitles. Fortunately BMX is a pretty universal language so it’s easy to see the work he puts in. This is just the first episode, so expect to see more of this coming up.

As a child I dreamed of being part of the
X Games. Today I have been able to be one of the few multi-medallists in all disciplines in my sport.

I leave you the first episode of this adventure, how I prepare for XGAMES 2024 in Ventura, Ca.

I hope you enjoy.” – Kevin Peraza

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Tags: Kevin Peraza

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