
I don’t think anyone realizes how stoked I am that Bruce Crisman is back on the bike and killing it again! So good. Check out this fresh edit with him killing it along with a new contest that KHE are running where you have a chance to win one of TEN Reverse freecoasters they are giving away. Info below.

Win one of ten KHEbikes Reverse (Bruce Crisman) Freecoaster with your BMX Street /Park video. The contest starts now, deadline is the 17th of August, plus a couple of days for “likes” and “views / clicks”, final end is the 4th of September. Bruce Crisman will help to pick the winner videos.
1. Download a KHEbikes and a Reverse logo from khebikes.com and show the Khebikes/Reverse logo three seconds at the beginning of your video. 2. Show your name and perform two fakie tricks at the beginning and at the end of the video. 3. Video lenght: 1-2 minutes 4. Upload your edition on YouTube.com or Vimeo.com 5. Send us your video link via email with a “Reverse video contest” subject to: info@khebikes.com 6. Become a KHEbikes Facebook friend and “like” the page

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