
The Yourewelcome crew coming through with a fresh Kyle White video for your viewing pleasure from the streets of Victoria up in Canada. Kyle puts the pegs to heavy use, with plenty of lines and combos, wallrides, and more. If you like jibby style riding, this is definitely for you.

This video was mostly filmed during my time living in Victoria, BC, Canada. Slowly gathering clips over a year and a half stint with the idea of making a edit for the Local shop @rockbaybmx, with my two main biking homies: dangerous dan and chad ferch. 6 months later, I now live in Vancouver and have been off with a concussion, I found the motivation to get the clips to Tristan Sweet for him to edit this video and bring it all to life. Filmed by @dangerousdan17 and @chadraferch edited by @sweetlastnamebro” – Yourewelcome

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