
The La Banger crew down in Argentina sent through their new full-length for everyone to enjoy!

Here’s a new 30 minute video the La Banger crew down in Argentina produced from street, park and trails sessions. This video is divided up into a few different sections and the riding is real solid all the way through. The scene down in Argentina always looks to be growing and progressing, and this video is a clear indicator of that. Check it all out and we’re pretty sure the translation below is a little off, haha.

Instants that recreate and compose the reality of the bmx scene in Cba. Mixed street sequences with lines traversed by subjects, in the point of urban stacking. Thoughts expressed with movements on bicycles, within a scenario full of human incoherencies, captured by the banal but focused view of the banger in search of a memory. a feat and / or perpetuation. Another banger, the boiling of the bmx and its elusive being, within the alleys of the city.

Parties: Mixtape Rustic Stuff 00:00
Slam Store 07:21
Mixtape Trails Field 09:31
The Mona Mixtape 12:51
Nacho Malagutti x The banger 18:05
Ground Bikes 21:46
Peeling x The banger 25:22
Credits 27:39“

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