La Costa Norte – By The Homies, For The Homies


I’ve been waiting for this mixtape from the La Costa Norte crew to drop. Stoked it’s finally here. Check it!

Featuring Fernando Gomarín Olaiz, Aleix Barau, Santiago Arano, Luciano Masetti, Eric Barney “Cuiper”, Marc Asturias, “Loz” Taylor, Marc Esteban, Adria Gómez, Leandro Gardos, Diego “Mono” Navarro, Ema Scutella, “Facu”, “Javi” Castilla, Pablo Gallardo and Shayn “Shanky” Steels.
Some heavy clips and a real good times.
Filmed in Barcelona ( Spain ) by Fernando Gomarín Olaiz & Santiago Arano.
Edited by Fernando Gomarín Olai

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