Categories: events

Levi’s Trip Scrap Photos


Lack of updates lately due to being busy, and also because I’ve been on a Levi’s team trip here in Minnesota. We hit some rain most of the time, and have been doing a few other things too. Here are a few photos…

We made a stop at the Ronald McDonald House up here in Minneapolis the first day to show some of the kids what these guys do. It was a real good experience, and it was a good experience.

We played around with the kids in the gym… and we some how convinced Morgan Wade into taking a few dodgeballs to the face for a slo-mo clip for Will’s video camera…. That happened to turn out interesting.

Definitely didn’t stop after the first time either…

After the Ronald McDonald House we had a session at 3rd Lair to film some stuff for an edit. Here Morgan is peg bonking a beam out of the deep end of the bowl.

Dakota Roche with a nose manual…

Dakota with an invert, almost hitting the bucket.

Anthony Napolitan was ripping around the bowl and threw this turndown.

Check out the Dig website for more photos and words..

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