When Jeff K suggested I do an interview with Lil Jon, it was one of those “why didn’t I do that yet?” moments. I met Lil Jon about 2 years ago pretty breifly. Everyone always says hes a super chill, laid back dude. It is pretty obvious from his responses too. There are a few responses that made me laugh pretty hard too. So check out what he had to say, and leave him some love in the comments!

Lil Jon
The open road / Milwaukee WI
Kink bicycles,Sun Ringle, Vinyl, Division
Years riding:
7 or 8 I think
What was it that first got you hooked on bikes, and did you ever imagine it would get to where you are today?
I don’t really know, I just enjoy the freedom of it all, and its just been a wild ride ever since.
You have been on Kink flow for quite a while now. How do you like it, and is there any plans of moving up to pro? Do they have any trips, or cool things going on with you planned at all?
I love Kink and it has been nothing but good things, as far as moving up I don’t know or care really. I have it really good ethier way, as far as trips I have no clue ha ha.
You are one of the many guys who have come from the 4 seasons crew that kill it. What is it about that area that produces so many good riders?
I really don’t think of are scene as any different than anyone else we are all good friends who happen to be alright on bikes and i think thats because we never were competeing it was just friends ridin.

Photo: Luke M.
Who is your typical riding crew these days anyways? Any up and comers people should be looking out for?
No crew really anymore just friends all over never in a place long enough anyway haha.
I know you have been doing a bit of traveling lately. Where all have you been, and where are some places you really need to go to?
I’ve been on the road for like 5 months now, and in that time I’ve been to New York, PA, France, Greenvile NC, Austin TX, Tulsa OK, then back to the Mill.
Have you been working on filming or anything like that recently?
No, I’m lazy. I just enjoy riding and dont really care to film.
How are you holding up with this Midwest winter riding wise?… I would imagine there has been a lot of sessions at 4 seasons?
Yeah, lots of seasons seshs since I’ve been home. Its only been 2 weeks now and I’m off to canada for two months hahaha.
What is your dream spot or set up? Have you found it yet?
Anywhere I can hit a soul carve.
Do you plan on hitting up any contests at all this year?
Nah, that shit just aint me
If you could go on a road trip with only 5 people and a photographer. Who would you pick, where would you go, and why?
Ashton, Ryan Melia, Micah Kranz, Mike Wotrowksi, Mikey
Do you have any crazy stories from trips or contests you have been to?
One of the wildest things was last year when I was in Hawaii with my boy Ryan. We were living in a van and I walk up to some dude fuckin this chick on the ground behind our van on my towell. I opened the van door and I was like what the fuck are you guys doing and they both sprinted away half naked and the chick screams to the dude “Are you still gonna buy me milk?” bizzar……dirty hooker ha.

I’ve noticed you really don’t do much with barspins or tailwhips. Is that just something your not into or is there other reasons?
shit hurts the shins and the fingers, I stick to manuvers
I get a lot of questions about “how to get sponsored” lately for some reason.. What do you feel it takes or makes somebody deserving of getting sponsored these days?
fashion haha psyche…. I have no idea.
Who or what are some of your biggest influences on your riding as a whole?
Chicago crew, those dudes do it right holla.
Is there anything in the world that would change your style? (example: Haro offers you $50,000 a year to start doing flips, whips, and cirucs tricks)
Nope, if I’m not happy with wat im doing then im not into it
If you could change anything about BMX at all, what would you change and why?
Theres nothin worth changin.
In your eyes, what is BMX all about?
Friends, Traveling, Experinces, lots of money hahahaha psyche!
What do you think you would be up to if you didn’t get into BMX?
When you aren’t riding what are you usually up to?
Hanging out at the beach swimming, drinkin with friends, dabblin in surfin.
I’ve always wondered this, how did you get the name “Lil Jon” in the first place?
Well till I was about 16 or 17 i didn’t start growin and i was like 5’2 or some shit so every buddy just called me that and it just kinda stuck
Do you go to school or work at all?
Not really, maybe like 3 or 4 months out of the year I do shows for Micah kranz (TAKE IT!) the fucking dude. Then I just live off that for a while.

Photo: Luke M.
Tell us a story about you being completely hammered?
To many stories not enough time ha.
Have you ever been in any fights or arrested?
Yes two both.
Last year in Austin I was ridin home from the bar and I decided it was a good idea to skip this one road. So I rode on the side of the freeway and a cop drove by and was waiting for me at the next exit. So I proceeded to hide in a bush and he saw me go into it so he rushed me with gun drawn yellin at me and shit. I come out and he searches me and I only had a fake id on me and he spelled my last name wrong. I didn’t know my social so I got taken in for tampering with government records and spent 4 days in jail. Bail was $2500 clams. know your social ha.
And too many fight storys to tell.
How do you feel about strippers and prostitutes? Have you ever misplaced a dollar or two?
Just know Micah is way better at strippers than me.
If you were offered to do porn, would you? What if they didn’t tell you if it would be gay, straight, bi, or really kinky weird stuff?
Hell yeah I would, just straightt porn and big asses thats my shit!
If you could be sponsored by any company that has no ties to BMX at all, who would you pick and why?
whole foods free dank food.
What are some things you would like to accomplish in the next few years?
Live loose
What is your perfect meal?
A perfect night of partying consists of…
Friends, booze, women, good music to dance to. I shred the floor!

Name the first song that comes to mind? Why did that happen?
Bob dylan Blowin in the wind cause thats what im listenin to.
What is the last thing you bought?
chinese food.
You are told you have 24 hours left to live. What do you do?
Go on with my day.
Who or what are some of the biggest influences on your life?
People that always question, friends I meet along the way, new citys
If you could change anything about the world, what would you change and why?
People would ask questions about what’s going on and not just follow shit so blindly.
Do you have any shout outs or thanks?
I would like to thank all who have ever let me sleep on their couch or hooked me up with a meal or a van haha. Thanks to Neal and everyone at 4 seasons for giving me a place to grow on my bike. Ashton, Jeff k, and Edson for being the true homies from the Mil. Micah Kranz for always keepin green in my pocket and just for being g. Jay and evryone over at Kink much respect, Every one at Vinyl, Jon Wells for being Jon and just anyone who has helped me out Thanks.
Anything else you want to say?
Step outside of your box!
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